A woman was accused of mixing her urine and menstrual blood into food meant for the occupants of a Sengkang flat back in December 2018.

Canares Rowena Ola, who is from the Philippines, was set to plead guilty before the court on Wednesday (2 Dec) but decided to dispute the charge.

The 43-year-old was facing one charge of mischief, which carries a jail term of up to one year and/or a fine.

During her hearing earlier today, Ms Canares’ lawyer, Kalaithasan Karuppaya, told the court that his client wish to dispute the charge as she claims she did not commit the offence.

“She’s disputing that such a thing happened. She never committed this offence,” he said, as cited by Channel News Asia (CNA).

This prompted District Judge Marvin Bay to ask if any DNA testing was conducted in this case.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Keith Jieren Thirumaran replied saying that there was no DNA evidence as the food items were consumed.

“Briefly, the evidence is that the accused had admitted in several statements that she had done so and there’s also several communications between the accused and the accused’s boyfriend at the time when she said she did so,” the prosecutor told the court.

Given that the food was eaten, the judge asked if there were any leftovers or residue for testing.

In response, Mr Thirumaran stated that “nothing was available for testing”, adding that some time had lapsed by the time the offence was discovered.

The case was then referred for a pre-trial conference which will be held on 25 January 2021.

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