Source: Gerald Giam / Facebook

The Workers’ Party (WP) Member of Parliament (MP) for Aljunied GRC Gerald Giam helped a number of residents to install and set up the TraceTogether app on their smartphones during his house visits in Hougang and Bedok Reservoir last week.

In a Facebook post earlier on Saturday (28 Nov), Mr Giam said that a few residents have asked him where they could get their TraceTogether token from.

He responded saying that if they possess a smartphone, they could opt for using the TraceTogether app instead of the token.

According to Mr Giam, many of them were not aware of this option.

“Several residents asked where they could get their TraceTogether token. I shared with them that it they have a smartphone, they could use the TraceTogether app instead, something many weren’t aware of,” he wrote.

Mr Giam and his team then proceeded to help those residents to install and set up the TraceTogether app on their smartphones.

“We distributed some handy tote bags from Aljunied-Hougang Town Council too!” he added.

By the end of the year, the TraceTogether system will become mandatory at all public venues, including restaurants, workplaces, schools, and shopping malls.

Members of the public will no longer be able to enter these places by scanning SafeEntry QR codes with their phone cameras, or through the SingPass mobile app or barcodes on their NRIC.

They must instead use either the TraceTogether app or token to gain entry.

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