It was reported earlier this month that DBS India has gone ahead to merge with the struggling Lakshmi Vilas Bank (LVB) based in Chennai (‘Indian govt...
At Singapore Press Holdings (SPH)’s annual general meeting yesterday (27 Nov), SPH CEO Ng Yat Chung told shareholders that SPH would move forward by growing income...
As of Saturday noon (28 Nov), the Ministry of Health (MOH) has confirmed six new cases of COVID-19 infection. This brings the total number of infection...
根据卫生部文告,本地新增一例冠病死亡病例,一名68岁本地男子在本月27日病逝。 这意味着本地冠病死亡病例增至第29例。 这名男子曾在3月10日前往印尼工作,本月17日返回狮城。11日他就出席呼吸困难症状,抵境后就被送往医院,在18日确诊。 男子也有高血压和心脏疾病的病史,死因是缺血性心脏病(ischaemic heart disease)。国立大学医院也已和死者家属联系以给予援助。
Following the decision of a victim of a former director of the National University of Singapore (NUS)’s East Asian Institute (EAI)’s sexual harassment to break her silence...
本月16日,社运份子吴家和分享,和支援团队在牛车水街道上,发现有八旬年长街友,躺在纸板上,盖着非常薄且肮脏的床单,瑟瑟发抖着。 吴家和指出,昨夜下着细雨,而他们在发现这些老人家后,就提供被子或睡袋、套衫和饼干。他相信可能还有更多需要帮助的年长街友。再者,年末通常都是雨季,许多露宿者的睡眠都受到了这寒冷天气的影响。 A volunteer helping a elderly homeless to stay warm during last night distribution at Chinatown. He looks like in his… Posted by Gilbert Goh...