
Transport Minister Ong Ye Kung announced on Wednesday (11 November) that air travel between Singapore and Hong Kong will begin on 22 November, in which visitors from both countries will not be subject to quarantine or Stay-Home Notice (SHN).

“While we may be starting small, this is an important step forward. I have no doubt both Singapore and Hong Kong will cooperate fully to make this scheme work,” said Mr Ong.

The scheme will first be limited to one flight per day into each city with a capacity of 200 travellers per flight, said the Minister.

The flights are expected to increase to two flights a day from 7 December.

However, the air travel bubble may be suspended for two weeks should the seven-day moving average of the daily number of unlinked COVID-19 cases increases to more than five in either Singapore or Hong Kong, said the Ministry of Transport (MOT).

It also noted that those travelling under the travel bubble will not be subject to quarantine or SHN.

In fact, there will be no restrictions on the type of travel and travellers will not have to follow a controlled itinerary.

Instead, travellers will be required to undergo a COVID-19 test and provide a negative result within 72 hours before departure.

MOT added that travellers must have remained in Singapore or Hong Kong within 14 days prior to departure, while Work Permit and S-Pass holders – migrant workers mainly in the construction, marine shipyard or process sectors – are not eligible to travel under this scheme.

Singapore residents are required to take on the designated bubble flight and will have to apply for approval to take Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests at least seven days prior to the departure.

Travellers from Singapore will also be required to take a COVID-19 test upon arrival at Hong Kong International Airport, said the Ministry.

As for Hong Kong travellers to Singapore, they will need to apply for an air travel pass and install the TraceTogether application on their mobile phones.

The app must be kept activated during their stay in Singapore and must not be removed from their phones for 14 consecutive days after leaving the city.

MOT also noted that travellers who test positive while in Singapore or Hong Kong will have to pay their own medical costs, subject to prevailing medical and healthcare policies.

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