KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA — Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim said on Tuesday (13 October) that the nation’s King is deliberating on the proof he presented to support his claim of having the required majority to form a new government.

The Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) president told reporters at a press conference after meeting the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah at the Istana Negara today that the King will be taking time to study the relevant documents and consult other party leaders in the process.

“With these documents, it is clear that we have obtained a formidable, convincing majority among parliamentarians,” said Anwar, who claimed that his support count had exceeded 120 MPs.

Anwar also claimed that Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has lost his parliamentary majority and that he ought to step down from the post as a result.

Stating that this is an “inclusive government”, he expressed that he would not deny anyone to participate as he was asked about the members from opposing political parties.

Responding to a reporter’s query on whether former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad was included in the list of MPs purportedly supporting him, the opposition leader responded that the list of MPs will be released later.

Anwar was granted an audience with Al-Sultan Abdullah at the National Palace in the capital city of Kuala Lumpur this morning.

After over an hour, the 73-year-old rolled down the car window to greet the reporters who were waiting under the sun as he left the Palace at 11:30am.

The meeting this morning followed Anwar’s previous claim on 23 September that he had majority support from the Members of Parliament (MP) to form a government.

He mentioned late September that the current government led by Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin “has fallen”.

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