Education Minister Lawrence Wong said in Parliament on Monday (5 October) that the Ministry of Education (MOE) is looking at different ways in order to allow resuming more in-person activities in schools and Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs).

Mr Wong said this in response to a question asked by People’s Action Party (PAP) MP for West Coast GRC Foo Mee Har. She asked if the Ministry will consider allowing universities and schools to return to more normalised face-to-face activities and classes when TraceTogether tokens are in widespread use with safe distancing measures in place.

The Education Minister explained that students from all levels have returned to their daily lessons in schools and IHLs now, and lower risks co-curricular activities (CCAs) have also resumed.

“Students from all levels have resumed daily lessons in our schools. Lower risks co-curricular activities and other activities have also resumed,” he said.

He added, “Likewise, the Institute of Higher Learning (IHLs) have gradually increased the number of students allowed back on campus for practicum, laboratory sessions and other classes.”

He went on to mention that IHLs have also been “progressively” allowing selected non-timetable activities, like project discussions and certain student activities, to return to campus.

In April this year, the Government rolled out full home-based learning after a spike of COVID-19 cases in Singapore, forcing the country to implement the “circuit breaker”. However, school resumed on 2 June after the end of the “circuit breaker” period, with graduating students attending school daily while other students rotate between home-based learning and going to school every week.

Given that CCAs and other activities have slowly began to resume, Mr Wong noted that the Ministry now has “effective safe management measures” along with a rapid contact tracing system in place at schools and IHLs.

“We have also improved capabilities to detect community cases quickly through our expanded testing regime and we are exploring the monitoring of ways to water in student hostels,” he said.

He continued, “With these conditions in place, we are now studying ways to resume more in-person activities safely in our schools and IHLs, as the member has suggested”.

“These activities, together with the resumption of wider range of CCAs another activity is important because we must strive to provide our students with a holistic education experience while keeping risks to a manageable level,” explained Mr Wong, adding that MOE is working on the details and will share it in due course.

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不分文、理科 马国中四生明年可选修科目

明年起,马来西亚中四生料能根据自己的兴趣与倾向选修科目,不再有理科与非理科之分。 马国副教育部长张念群,接受《星洲日报》询问时表示,随着中学标准课程(KSSM)明年开始在高中阶段落实,中四生将不再有理科或非理科源流之分。 “学生可根据自己的兴趣与倾向选修科目。学生将根据所选修的科目被安排教室。” 对此,她表示,学校辅导员委以重任,协助学生做出正确的选择,此外,学生的课堂评估与中三评估考试(PT3)也会作为参考指标。 她说,目前中四学生的科目包括英文、马来文、历史、道德、数学和高级数学,而理科项目则包含化学、生物、物理,商科则有科学、会计和经济。学校则被赋予自主权,可根据师资与学校的设备,为中四与中五生提供相关科目的资源。 学校被赋予自主权,以根据师资和学校设备等因素,为中四和中五的学生提供相关科目。 目前中四学生的科目有英文、马来文、历史、道德、数学和高级数学;理科生的科目还有化学、生物、物理,商科生的科目则是科学、会计和经济等。 早在今年2月,马国教育部长马智礼曾指出,国家教育政策研究委员会提出的建议之一,就是不再将学生以理科或非理科区分。 他表示,“在即将落实的新课程中,我们将不仅强调理科,还会加强艺术(和文化),因为知识是一体的,知识无法分隔,应该是综合的。” 他也续指在大学与学校,将会不断地加强校内艺术课程。 他说,向前迈进的方向是要将科学、技术、工程、数学(STEM)生活化,而STEM将被提升为“STREAM”,即除了原本的科学、技术、工程和数学外,还包括艺术和阅读。