As the number of COVID-19 community cases remains low, the Ministry of Health released a press statement yesterday (23 September) updating the public about the headcount limit at worship places and wedding events.

Increasing worship limits

12 selected Religious organisations (ROs) had previously increased the limit for congregational and worship services from 50 to 100 people (split into two zones of 50 persons for congregational services) since 7 August.

Starting from 3 October, all ROs will be allowed to increase the limit to 100 people for congregational or other worship services.

The MCCY was revealed to be considering a pilot to increase the worship limits to 250 people, that are being split into five zones of 50 people for congregational services.

Increasing limits for wedding events

As for wedding receptions, the Multi-Ministry Taskforce will be expanding the current pilot to allow up to 100 unique attendees which would include the wedding couple, and exclude the vendors and service providers.

In the statement, it was revealed that wedding participants are allowed to split into multiple zones up to 50 people each, or split by staggered timings with up to 50 people in each slot. A 30-minute slot would be recommended between slots to clean and disinfect the event space.

For marriage solemnisation, a maximum of 100 people is allowed to attend by splitting up multiple zones of up to 50 people each.

The update for these events will be in effect on 3 October.

The Taskforce had also announced that they would be starting a pilot in November 2020 that will allow wedding receptions to take place at HDB common areas like void decks and Multi-Purpose Halls managed by Town Councils. The wedding receptions would be required to be organised a registered wedding organiser.

Update on cinema capacity

Other than wedding events that would cater to a large number of people, the Taskforce had also announced the expansion of capacity of venues where “safe distancing and safe management measures are well adhered to”.

From 1 October, large cinema halls with more than 300 seats will be allowed to have three zones up to 50 people each.

Other cinema halls were revealed to be permitted to increase their capacity to 50 per cent of their original operating capacity, or they could maintain the current limit of up to 50 people per hall.

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