Former domestic worker Parti Liyani has taken to court to seek disciplinary proceedings against the prosecutors who dealt with her trial, Tan Wee Hao and Tan Yanying.

The High Court earlier on (4 Sept) has dismissed the convictions of Ms Parti on four theft charges brought against her by the Attorney General’s Chambers (AGC), four years after she was first arrested by the Singapore Police at Changi Airport.

Ms Parti was the former domestic helper of Changi Airport Group Chairman Liew Mun Leong and his family, and had worked for them for eight years. She was arrested in December 2016 after returning to Singapore as there was a warrant out for her arrest.

Justice Chan Seng Onn, who overturned the sentence for Ms Parti, ruled that the district court had failed to consider several points including the credibility of the testimony of Mr Liew’s son, Karl Liew.

In his judgement, Justice Chan wrote in conclusion:

“I first observe that in the present case, which involved a voluminous number of items, the proper handling of the evidence by the police and recording of the allegedly stolen items is crucial in order to preserve the chain of custody of the items. Coupled with the existence of an improper motive by members of the Liew family for mounting the allegations against Parti, I find that the convictions against Parti are unsafe and accordingly acquit her of all the charges.”

Meanwhile, it was reported on Wednesday (23 Sept) that Ms Parti has sought for disciplinary proceedings against her prosecutors in court.

Defence lawyer Anil Balchandani, who acted pro-bono for Ms Parti, attended a pre-trial conference in the High Court against representatives from the AGC. He confirmed to CNA that the hearing took place today but refused to give comments.

The two deputy public prosecutors listed in Ms Parti’s case are Mr Tan Wee Hao and Ms Tan Yanying, both of whom are represented by AGC’s Kristy Tan Ruyan, Jeyendran Jeyapal, and Jocelyn Teo Meng Hui.

The hearing was for an originating summons under Section 82A of the Legal Profession Act. An originating summons is a way of commencing to civil action and is based on affidavits filed to support the case.

Under Section 2A, the legal service officer could face penalties if he or she is found to be guilty of misconduct befitting their post as an advocate and solicitor.

The penalties include censures, being struck off the roll, penalty of up to S$20,000, or any other order a disciplinary tribunal deems fit.


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