Source: Central Narcotics Bureau

A 63-year-old Singaporean man fell to his death while attempting to escape from the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) officers in a raid operation on Monday (21 Sep).

In a statement yesterday (22 Sep), CNB noted that its officers raided a flat unit around Bukit Batok Street 31 on Monday, adding that they had to “effect forced entry into the unit” because the occupants refused to let them enter, despite the officers repeatedly identifying themselves.

“However, before officers could gain entry, the 63-year-old man climbed out of the kitchen window and fell from height,” said the bureau.

He was pronounced dead by Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) officers who responded to the scene.

Two others in the unit – a 65-year-old man and a 33-year-old female foreign national – were also arrested.

CNB officers found a total of about 4.79kg of heroin, about 1.12kg of Ice, three packets containing 13g of new psychoactive substances, and 20 Erimin-5 tablets from the toilet bowl and at various locations in the unit.

Cash amounting to S$174,000 and drug paraphernalia were also recovered from the search.

Heroin disposed in toilet bowl at a unit in the vicinity of Bukit Batok Street 31 (Source: CNB)
A total of about 4,790g of heroin, about 1,124g of ‘Ice’, and cash amounting to $174,000 were recovered from a unit in the vicinity of Bukit Batok Street 31 (Source: CNB)

Two more men, aged 62 and 64, were apprehended in another follow-up operation at a shophouse unit around Tanjong Pagar Road. A total of 35 packets containing about 260g of heroin and 1g of Ice were seized.

On Monday afternoon, CNB officers also intercepted a vehicle around Sunset Way, during which they arrested a 44-year-old man and a 37-year-old woman suspected of drug offences.

10 packets containing about 80g of heroin were found in the vehicle.

Overall, six suspected drug offenders were apprehended and a total of about 5,130g of heroin, 1,125g of Ice, 13g of new psychoactive substances, and 20 Erimin-5 tablets – estimated to be worth almost S$700,000 – were seized by the CNB in a series of raids on Monday.

This can feed the addiction of about 2,440 heroin abusers and about 640 Ice abusers for a week, said the bureau.

Investigations into the drug activities of the suspects along with the death of the 63-year-old man are ongoing.

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