Source: Central Narcotics Bureau

Two Singaporeans, a 30-year-old male and 28-year-old female, were arrested for suspected drug activities estimated to be worth about S$640,000 in an operation conducted by the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) on Tuesday (8 Sep).

A total of about 1,500g of heroin, about 1,203g of ‘Ice’, about 10g of cannabis, about 512g of ketamine, 669 ‘Ecstasy’ tablets, and 7,502 Erimin-5 tablets were seized during the operation, said the bureau in a press release earlier today (9 Sep).

Cash amounting to S$8,680 was also recovered.

According to the CNB, its officers arrested a 30-year-old male for suspected drug trafficking activities in a residential estate in the vicinity of Boon Lay Drive. The male suspect was brought to his residence in the same residential estate, where a 28-year-old female was also arrested therein.

A search was conducted in the unit, and up to 24 packets and bottles containing a total of 1,203g of ‘Ice’, about 10g of cannabis, about 512g of ketamine, 669 ‘Ecstasy’ tablets, and 7,502 Erimin-5 tablets were recovered from the unit.

Packaging materials were also found in the unit, along with cash amounting to S$8,680.

Two bottles of ‘Ice’, along with packaging materials, were seized from a residential unit in the vicinity of Boon Lay Drive on 8 Sep 2020 (Source: CNB)

During a subsequent search by CNB officers of the male suspect’s vehicle, three bundles containing about 1,500g of heroin were also recovered.

Three bundles containing about 1,500g of heroin seized from a 30-year-old male’s vehicle in the vicinity of Boon Lay Drive on 8 Sep 2020 (Source: CNB)
A total of about 1,500g of heroin, about 1,203g of ‘Ice’, about 512g of ketamine, 669 ‘Ecstasy’ tablets and 7,502 Erimin-5 tablets seized during an operation in the vicinity of Boon Lay Drive on 8 Sep 2020 (Source: CNB)

Investigations into the drug activities of all the suspects are ongoing.

The bureau noted that the total amount of 1,500g of heroin seized is sufficient to feed the addiction of about 715 abusers for a week, while the total amount of 1,203g of ‘Ice’ seized is sufficient to feed the addiction of about 690 abusers for a week.

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