Earlier today (26 August), the Ministry of Health (MOH) had released a press statement, updating that the travellers who enter Singapore from the Republic of Korea from 29 August will be required to serve their 14-day Stay-Home Notice (SHN) at dedicated SHN facilities instead of their own place of residence after declaring the country as low risk and reducing the SHN requirements on 21 August.

The statement also revealed that these travellers will also be required to undergo a COVID-19 test before the end of their SHN as it is the current requirement.

It was also reported that the Multi-Ministry Taskforce has been “closely monitoring” the COVID-19 situation in South Korea. This was due to the reported clusters in gatherings at places of worship that have spread to workplaces.

“There have been reported clusters in gatherings at places of worship that have spread to workplaces. Authorities in the Republic of Korea have warned of a possible nationwide outbreak. Across the Republic of Korea, stricter social distancing measures have been imposed.”

The statement further mentioned that the Government will continue to adjust Singapore’s border measures to manage the risk of importation and transmission to the community.

The authorities had also reminded the travellers who are planning to enter Singapore to be prepared to be subjected to the prevailing border measures upon entry, including payment for their stay at dedicated SHN facilities and tests.

Previously on 21 August, the MOH released a press statement announcing that the Republic of Korea was one of the selected countries that were “low-risk”, such countries include Australia (excluding Victoria State), Brunei Darussalam, Macao, Mainland of China, New Zealand, Taiwan, Vietnam and the Republic of Korea. Travellers from these countries were allowed to serve their 7-day SHN at their own place of residence down from the original 14 days SHN.

However, considering the recent spike of COVID-19 cases in South Korea, the Government then updated that the incoming travellers to Singapore would no longer be able to serve the SHN at their own place of residence.


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