As Singapore’s 14th Parliament opened yesterday (24 August), the Speaker, all 93 Members of Parliament (MPs), as well as two Non-Constituency Members of Parliament (NCMPs) were sworn in.

On the swearing-in as MPs and NCMPs, the members from the Workers’ Party (WP) and Progress Singapore Party (PSP) had expressed their thoughts on their social media.

Worker’s Party

Newly sworn-in WP MP Jamus Lim acknowledged his wife for giving him the mental, emotional and physical support. He noted that he was reminded of her “unassuming and tireless sacrifices” she makes so that he could serve the people of Singapore.

Raeesah Khan mentioned that it was a “huge honour” to have taken the Oath of Allegiance as an MP. She then thanked Singaporeans for electing her into Parliament to be the voice of the people.

Admitting that there will be “much work” to do, Ms Khan invited Singaporeans to join her in the journey of working on the long-term structural changes that Singapore needs.

He Ting Ru expressed that the swearing-in was a “solemn reminder” of the trust given by the voters. She then pledged to serve the residents at Sengkang and the rest of Singapore along with her Sengkang GRC team.

Announcing his return at the Parliament after five years, Gerald Giam was “excited” to serve with his fellow WP colleagues again.

The Leader of Opposition, who is also the Secretary-General of WP, Pritam Singh, expressed his gratitude to Singaporeans for their support and good wishes.

Progress Singapore Party

Representing PSP, the newly-sworn in NCMP Leong Mun Wai, stated that he was looking forward to working together with his colleagues in Parliament and that this would be a “new chapter” for PSP in their journey to make Singaporeans’ lives better.

Hazel Poa shared her thoughts before she left for the swearing-in at Parliament, mentioned that it had been a “long journey” for her and that she was feeling grateful for the chance to represent Singaporeans.


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