The Workers’ Party (WP) run Sengkang Town Council (SKTC) revealed in a Facebook post on Sunday (23 August) that it is currently in a lookout for a perfect logo to represent the town council.

In order to do so, SKTC has organised a logo design competition which is open to all Singaporean student aged 13 and above.

SKTC emphasised that the competition is strictly open to only amateurs and students, and not professional design agencies.

According to SKTC, the winner of the competition might not only have their logo as the face of the town council, but will also receive S$500 cash as well as a mentorship experience with local designer Jackson Tan, who is the co-founder and creative director of local creative agency BLACK.

“If you are a Singaporean student aged 13 and above with an eye for design, you stand a chance to win $500 and an offer of mentorship from experienced local designer Jackson Tan of BLACK, a creative agency in Singapore,” SKTC said.

The town council also said that the winning logo may be used on the SKTC website, social media sites, business cards, letterhead, posters, souvenir trinkets and gifts, or anywhere else the town council chooses.

SKTC added that the design of the logo should “reflect the character of Sengkang town and the values of the Workers’ Party”.

The closing date for the design submission is on the 13 September, before 11.59pm.

Those who are interested to participate in this competition can do so by submitting their application here.

SKTC is a new town council formed in the recent GE2020. The town includes the Sengkang Group Representation Constituency (GRC), which is an electoral division.

The Sengkang GRC was carved out from areas from Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC, Punggol East Single Member Constituency (SMC) and Sengkang West SMC.

The newly-formed GRC was won by the Workers’ Party four-member team – Jamus Lim, He Ting Ru, Louis Chua and Raeesah Khan. They won a vote share of 52.13 per cent.

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