Road leading into Tuas Checkpoint, Singapore

The Malaysian government has announced that it is ready for the cross-border travel between Malaysia and Singapore under the Reciprocal Green Lane (RGL) and Periodic Commuting Arrangement (PCA) starting today (17 Aug). 

Malaysian Transport Minister Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong said that Wisma Putra and the Singaporean authorities held thorough discussions before agreeing on the border opening. 

Mr Wee was speaking to reporters after officiating Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina Ladang Grisek, in Kota Masai, Johor Bahru on Sunday (16 Aug).

He noted that he would refer to the Land Public Transport Agency (APAD) if public transportation needs to be deployed, given that not every traveller has a car.

Mr Wee added that this should be subject to the established standard operating procedures. 

“APAD will monitor the situation. We (Malaysia-Singapore) are together in this. If there is a need (for public transportation), we will provide them, we are aware that not everyone has a car.”

Considerations include if there is sufficient demand maximising the public transportation, otherwise it would “incur losses to operate”.

“It will involve costs if public transportation is to operate and if not many are using them this will incur losses. So, we need to strategise, plan carefully to ensure a win-win situation.”

On 26 July, Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein and Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan met midway at the Johor Causeway and had “settled arrangements” for the Reciprocal Green Lane (RGL) and Periodic Commuting Arrangement (PCA) for the resumption of cross-border travel.

The Periodic Commuting Arrangement

The PCA will allow Malaysians employed in Singapore with a valid work pass to cross the border for work, and vice versa. However, this isn’t a daily commute arrangement.

Under the PCA, Malaysians entering Singapore for work and Singaporeans entering Malaysia for work will have to spend at least 90 days in their country of employment before they are allowed to go home.

PCA-approved travel applies for employees travelling across the border via personal transport, private buses, private-hire cars, or on foot.

Employers of Malaysian residents working in Singapore have to apply for the PCA on behalf of their employees at least seven days before the scheduled crossing. The application will only be processed after payment of S$200 for a COVID-19 PCR test.

Those who have arrived in Singapore will be subject to a health screening at the point of entry and must serve a 7-day Stay-Home Notice (SHN) at a declared location and undertake a COVID-19 test. If the test is negative, they will be released from SHN on the seventh day and be allowed to work. However, ff the test is positive, they will receive medical treatment at their own cost or the cost of their employer.

After the 90 days are up, workers can choose to either go home for a short visit before returning to Singapore for work for another 90 days.

The same measures are implemented for Singapore residents travelling to Malaysia for work under the PCA.

Reciprocal Green Lane

The RGL is for short-term cross-border travel for essential businesses and official purposes between both countries via air and land checkpoints.

Travellers under this scheme will only be allowed a maximum of 14-days stay and have to undergo a pre-departure and post-arrival PCR test. They also have to strictly abide by a pre-declared controlled itinerary during their visit.

Those travelling from Malaysia to Singapore via RGL must be sponsored by a Singapore-based company or a Singapore government agency. The application for a SafeTravel Pass must be filed by them on behalf of the applicant.

Travellers will have to take a PCR test within 72 hours of departure and obtain a certificate saying that their test is negative. The cost, again, is borne by the applicant. Upon arrival, they will have to undergo another PCR test. From there, the host company or government agency is responsible for transporting the traveller directly to the declared accommodation and remain there until the post-arrival PCR test is released.

If the test is negative, they can then proceed with the pre-declared itinerary. If the test is positive, they will receive medical treatment at their own cost.

Again, similar measures are in place for Singapore residents travelling to Malaysia under the RGL.

More information for both schemes for residents of Malaysia travelling to Singapore can be found on Malaysia’s Department of Immigration portal while Singapore residents travelling to Malaysia can find out more on the SafeTravel website.

Before entering Singapore, those travelling under either schemes have to download the TraceTogether contact tracing app. Vice versa, those travelling to Malaysia will have to download the equivalent MySejahtera app.

Travellers will be told when and where they can take the PCR tests, are prohibited from using public transport while under isolation, and bear the cost of any medical treatment.

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中国人捐赠物置放领事馆外 三箱子口罩被当可疑物引爆

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拍摄攻击视频标记警察部队 三青少因一时好玩被逮

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国人为先党秘书长、同时也是前总统候选人的陈如斯,今日(25日)发表文告宣布国人为先党解散。 文告称,在野党之间的团结协作,一直都是该党的原则,如同在2015年大选,也秉持该原则避免三角战。 陈如斯在文告内也表示,新加坡在野党需要更强大的力量与执政党抗衡,帮助人民发声。自2015年大选后,他们一直坚守信念,甚至转派一些成员加入其他政党,并指出,一些前成员如今活跃在不同的政党中。 “新加坡需要更强大的在野党监督政府,及为人民发声,我们相信通过合并能够实现强而有力的在野党,因此决定解散政党。” 陈如斯也表示,这是经过深思熟虑,也相信此一举动将是有利新加坡人民,并感谢支持者多年来的支持。该党也呼吁党员加入并协助其他符合他们理念的政党。 今年1月,本社报道,国人为先党(Singaporean First Party)、民主进步党(DPP)、人民力量党(PPP)和革新党,原本有计划组成联盟迎战来届大选。