As of 16 August 2020, 12pm, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has preliminarily confirmed an additional 86 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore. This brings the...
The world is anticipating the availability of a suitable COVID-19 vaccine soon as researchers and pharmaceutical companies are busy developing vaccines for the deadly virus that...
根据卫生部文告,截至本月16日中午12时,本地新增86冠状病毒19确诊,入境病例六例,以及两起社区病例。 本地累计确诊已增至5万5747例。 社区病例中,一人是本地公民,另一人是工作证件持有者。 新增病例大多是隔离中的宿舍客工,至于六例入境病例,再抵新后已遵守居家通知。