Source: PUB / Facebook

Flash floods were reported at the junction of Craig Road and Tanjong Pagar Road at about 10am earlier today (14 Aug) following a heavy downpour this morning.

National water agency PUB issued an update on its Facebook at 10.10am saying that the flash floods have subsided after 10 minutes, adding that traffic is not passable at these roads.

It also noted that PUB officers have been deployed to the site to render assistance.

In a separate Facebook post at 9.55am – prior to the flash floods – PUB warned members of the public to avoid the aforementioned roads for the next one hour.

It stated that the water levels in drains and canals have reached 90 per cent in those areas, posing a risk of flash floods.

PUB also issued a statement before that – at about 9.00am – cautioning that “moderate and heavy thundery showers with gusty wind are expected over many areas of Singapore between 9.35am and 10.35am”.

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