popIn Inc. – which operates the largest native ad networks in Asia called ‘popIn Discovery‘ and ‘popin Discovery Global’ – announced last Friday (7 Aug) that it has reached a new milestone of 10 billion monthly page views in July 2020.

Both popIn Discovery and popIn Discovery Global are one-stop native ad platforms that collectively cover Japan, South Korea, Greater China, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, and Indonesia.

Established in July 2008, the platform offers multilingual ad management services – in Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, English, Thai, and Indonesian – notably in the format of “recommended articles”.

By partnering with local media sources in each area, the popIn Discovery networks enable advertisers to secure high-quality placements and localized ad creatives that match the cultural tastes of different audiences to enhance brand recognition for companies and products.

In order to measure a user’s satisfaction with the content of an article, it is necessary to understand the read status of the article – whether or not it has been read carefully. popIn‘s algorithm determines whether or not the article content is viewable by a user, and measures the read status based on the elapsed read time and the amount of information in the article.

This proprietary method offers a clear estimation of the amount of content that is actually being read as opposed to being skimmed past.

New milestone for Asia’s largest native ad network (Source: popIn Inc.)

Having offices in Japan, Greater China, South Korea, Thailand, Singapore, and Indonesia, popIn Inc. supports creative and distribution planning tailored to the entire Asian market. Creative translation is also available as an option.

Additionally, the platform offers settlement in Japanese Yen for advertisements in Greater China, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, and Indonesia.

As for advertising costs, they will be converted based on the current exchange rate.

“With the mission of making information more intelligent, we have developed and sold ‘popIn Discovery‘, a content discovery platform that supports native advertisements, and the world’s first projector ceiling light ‘popIn Aladdin‘, as an IoT business starting in 2017,” said popIn Inc. with regards to its primary business mission and scope.

“Currently, we are developing a new AI-powered image recognition service called ‘popIn Action‘,” it added.

For more info on popIn Inc., head over to the company’s Facebook page or visit its website.

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