Progress Singapore Party (PSP) secretary-general Dr Tan Cheng Bock took to his Facebook on Tuesday (4 August) to reveal that he recently went through a knee treatment at his friend’s clinic.

The 80-year-old retired doctor said that his knee began to hurt after the immense amount of walking he did during the nine days of campaigning for the recent General Election.

“Today, I got my knee taken care of at my friend’s clinic, as it was starting to hurt after all the walking I did during the 9 days of campaigning,” Dr Tan wrote.

The octogenarian added that he will be “up and about again soon, because there is still much to do”.

In his post, Dr Tan also attached a video showing a few different types of liquids being injected into his affected knee. The whole procedure was completed in under one minute, with Dr Tan smiling at the end of it.

During last month’s GE, PSP contested in a total of nine constituencies, making it the party with the most number of wards contested after PAP.

During the nine days campaigning period, Dr Tan was seen actively engaging with the residents at the contested wards in PSP’s walkabouts.

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