This year’s General Election (GE) has demonstrated how far Singapore has achieved gender equality in politics but violence against women remains a major issue, said Margaret...
7 baby leopard tortoises were earlier discovered in a Malaysia-registered lorry at Woodlands Checkpoint on Wednesday (22 July) when officers from the Immigration and Checkpoint Authority...
The Straits Times published a news article today saying that the Workforce Singapore’s (WSG) career matching efforts to help the unemployed Singaporeans is paying off (‘WSG’s...
When work-from-home (WFH) – remote working – began on 7 April in Singapore in tandem with the enforcement of circuit breaker, consensus was it is an...
As of Friday noon (31 July), the Ministry of Health (MOH) has confirmed an additional 396 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, the vast majority of...
The Facebook post by Ho Ching deriding public announcement of donations is all the more baffling when you consider that her husband Prime Minister Lee Hsien...
None of the political parties had taken on LGBT issues in their General Election (GE) manifestos, but the political candidates may have different views on the...
根据卫生部文告,截至本月31日中午12时,本地新396例冠状病毒19确诊,其中有三例社区病例。 本地累计确诊已增至5万2205例。 新增确诊大多是住宿舍的客工。社区病例三人都是工作准证持有者。 三例入境病例则在抵境后已遵守居家通知。
根据卫生部7月30日文告,确诊者曾到访地点如下: 山乐坊(Hillion Mall)的My Briyani House和麦当劳:7月18日中午1点50分至5点05分 山乐坊(Hillion Mall)的屈臣氏(Watsons):7月22日早上11点45分至中午12点20分 山乐坊(Hillion Mall)的麦当劳和职总平价超市:7月22日下午2点30分至3点40分 长堤坊(Causeway Point):7月16日下午1点30分至2点10分 惹兰苏丹200号的Al-Sahira餐馆:7月17日凌晨3点至5点 淡滨尼44街的MyCK百货:7月25日中午12点55分至下午2点30分以及下午4点至5点35分 武吉班让综合交通中心的Mr Teh Tarik deli:7月25日下午1点35分至5点35分以及7月27日下午1点35分至2点35分 当局呼吁若民众曾与确诊者在同一时段,到达上述地点,应密切留意自身健康状况。急性呼吸道感染症状,或有发烧或失去味觉或嗅觉,应尽快去看医生,并通知医生曾去过的地点。 曾与确诊者近接触人士则已收到通知。