As more migrant workers’ dormitories are gradually being cleared of COVID-19, it has been reported that purpose-built dormitories (PBDs) have seen a 25 per cent decrease in occupancy.

According to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and Ministry of National Development (MND), the PBDs currently cater to approximately 160,000 migrant workers, and the total number of workers staying in the PBDs was 212,000 back in April.

The Straits Times reported that the Government has been moving some workers out of their dormitories to other accommodations, such as Government temporary sites or new temporary living quarters in the past few months.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) revealed that 105 blocks in 22 dormitories are currently still gazetted, while 71 blocks from 14 dormitories were no longer serving as isolation areas as of 19 July.

Besides that, the movements of the migrant workers in the isolation areas were “controlled”, and precautionary measures were “strictly enforced” to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The control measures were imposed to prevent the occupants of the degazetted blocks from mingling with the ones from the blocks that remain as isolation areas. The MOH also revealed that only migrant workers from selected blocks are allowed to return to work.

What’s more, the workers are required to report their health status on a daily basis, stagger the use of common facilities, as well as minimise the interaction with the people living in other blocks.

The MOH clarified that the degazetted dormitory blocks currently only house recovered individuals and the ones who were tested negative for the coronavirus.

“We will continue to evaluate the situation in the dormitories, and more blocks will be progressively removed from this list (of gazetted dorms) to house more recovered foreign workers and those tested negative in the coming weeks,” said the Ministry.

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想挂国旗? 本地家庭可上网申请一面免费国旗!

文化、社区及青年部今日(27日)在脸书发文,如有民众有意悬挂国旗,但手上没有,不妨上网申请索取,当局将以邮寄方式分发。 总统批准国人于今年4月25日至9月30日期间悬挂国旗,以展现新加坡人团结一致的精神,共同对抗冠状病毒19。 申请者必须是新加坡公民或永久居民,每户仅限申请一面免费国旗,申请开放至下月3日。 不过该部指出,国旗数量取决于现有存货,不过将在国庆期间提供更多国旗供民众索取。

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