Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) member Khung Wai Yeen has responded to a netizen’s comment that alleged SDP candidates are “lazy” to do groundworks, saying that the...
Singapore recorded a total of 25,434 marriages registered in 2019, 5.8 per cent lower than the 27,007 marriages registered in 2018. In 2018, out of the...
On Tuesday (28 July), Workers’ Party (WP) chief Pritam Singh announced that he will be allocating 50 per cent of his salary as Leader of the...
Singapore currently sees a record of 20,458 dengue fever cases in 2020 and main clusters localised in the east and north. The week of 19 –...
It was a defining gesture by the man of the moment. He could have seen his increased annual package of $385,000 as well-earned and well-deserved. Instead,...
社会及家庭发展部(MSF)针对日前网民分享一名清洁老妇境遇的贴文,作出澄清,指出老妇在阻断措施前,薪资约为1千300元,然而受到疫情冲击,生意量减少,雇主只得安排她从事四小时的兼职,薪资仅为675元(约每小时6.5元)。 该部表示目前审核这位老妇是否符合冠病疫情援助金,以便每月将获得500-800元的援助。 实则原贴文的网民Meng Shuen Koh强调,原本是受朋友问起,才把私人贴文分享,好让人们知道这老妇问题,以及让大家反思这个社会贫困者的困境。 不过他也与其他志工更深入了解,尽管老妇所言有些出入,但此事却让老妇引来不必要的焦点和舆论压力,再者老妇本身仍有病痛,不希望为她造成负担,而自己已是根据自己所被告知的讯息,希望能协助老妇。 日前,他分享这老妇准备搭地铁到圣淘沙去找洗碗工作,因为听闻该处的薪金比她目前在淡滨尼天地(Tampines Hub)的打扫和洗碗工来得高,令他感到痛心。 至于社会及家庭发展部则指出,目前老妇L女士和次子在五房式组屋同居,家里仍有帮佣,儿子还能照顾她三餐,惟老妇仍要工作维持个人开销,该部指昨日社会服务中心(SSO)人员找过她,以了解有何需要帮助。 不过,据此前的信息,老妇称因病痛卖掉房子,来支付医疗开销,也声称动了四次心脏大手术。 由于L女士是永久居民,她并不符合乐龄补贴或就业奖励。不过仍符合同舟共济补贴(solidarity payment),当局也会安排她的医疗开销。 老妇长子确实在军训中丧生 不过,国防部确认L女士的长子在军中服务,准尉军衔,确实在2009年在南非的军训中丧生,当时也给了全额赔偿。 社会及家庭发展部表示,当局感谢群众各界对有需要人士的关心,不过一些事件放到社交媒体,可能为弱势群体或家庭带来不必要压力或未反映实际情况。为此鼓励民众直接把这些个案转介给社会服务中心。 ComCare 热线: 1800-222-0000 社会服务中心地点 家庭服务中心地点:
Recently, a GrabFood delivery rider named Sherwin had submitted his experience to TOC, expressing his concerns on the lack of transparency from Grab in regards to...
The High Court on Wednesday (29 July) found Harvard economics professor Li Shengwu guilty of contempt of court for a private Facebook post he made in...
It was reported in Straits Times that an 8-year-old American girl was among the two imported coronavirus patients announced by the Ministry of Health (MOH) yesterday...
The Peoples’ Association (PA), community centres (CCs), community organisations (COs) and the like are meant to be non partisan resources for all citizens. It should have...