
A risk management framework has been developed by the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) to facilitate the gradual resumption of business events in Singapore in light of the post-COVID lockdown measures. 

The press release by the STB on Wednesday (22 Jul) outlined the five key outcomes in the Safe Business Event Risk Management Framework that event organisers (EO) must adhere to.

Safe Business Event Risk Management Framework

The five key outcomes are:  

  1. Infection control measures for every stage of an event attendee’s journey (pre- to post-event)
  2. Limits on crowd density
  3. Limits on close contacts between individuals
  4. Ensuring a safe and clean environment
  5. Preparing for emergencies relating to COVID-19

The events must not exceed a maximum number of 50 attendees as well. 

The framework was created after consultations with industry players and adopting best practices in safety, hygiene and sanitisation. 

Two “hybrid” events trials

STB will trial this framework with two pilot hybrid events before gradually extending it to other types of events and more EOs. 

Hybrid event formats include a mix of face-to-face and virtual interactions. 

STB will be experimenting it at the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics and the Asia Pacific MedTech Virtual Forum 2020. 

In addition to the 50 attendees each, approximately 1,000 virtual delegates are expected to be part of the two events.

2020 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics

The 2020 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics brings together researchers and practitioners to share the latest advances in areas such as numerical algorithms in the whole electromagnetic spectrum.

It will be held in Southeast Asia for the first time from 24 – 26 August 2020 where the virtual conference will be streamed online for delegates. 

Professor Shen Zhongxiang, General Co-Chair of the conference, said: “We chose to continue with our conference in Singapore because of the country’s strong track record in delivering quality business events. We have complete trust that the Singapore authorities and our venue partner have stringent measures to help us deliver a safe event for our participants.”

Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association Forum 2020

The Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association will be hosting their first virtual forum on 24 September 2020 where delegates can take part in virtual networking and online discussions. 

The association consists of members in the medical devices, equipment and in-vitro diagnostics industry in Asia Pacific.

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