Eleven days after GE 2020, Temasek Holdings reported today (21 Jul) a preliminary total shareholder return of minus 2.3% for the latest financial year ended 31 March 2020.

Temasek’s net portfolio value dropped to S$306 billion from S$313 billion a year earlier. It warned that a second wave of coronavirus could further dampen global markets.

Temasek International CEO Dilhan Pillay said in a pre-recorded comments released today that a lower-returns environment, geopolitics and strategic rivalries as well as the ongoing pandemic will create even more uncertainties for investors.

He emphasized that Temasek looks to long-term returns and said their portfolio had performed relatively well. “We ended the year in a net cash position with a strong balance sheet,” Pillay said. “This positions us well to ride through the tough times to position our companies for future growth.”

Bailing out GLCs

Temasek has earlier announced its support of several GLCs with billions of dollars in cash and other measures as losses continue to mount in the GLCs.

For example, Singapore Airlines has a Temasek-backed plan to raise around S$8.8 billion, while Sembcorp Marine is embarking on a similarly supported capital round. A unit of Temasek is also in talks for a potential investment of at least US$400 million in Singapore shipping tycoon Chang Yun Chung’s Pacific International Lines (‘PIL finally admits it is in talks with Temasek’s unit for potential investment‘).

In any case, Temasek said that compared with the 18.3% decline of MSCI Singapore Index and 5.8% drop of MSCI World Index, Temasek portfolio had stayed resilient with only a 2.3% decline.

“As was evidenced during the SARS epidemic and the Global Financial Crisis, Temasek typically outperforms market indices during market downturns,” it boasted.

Final results to be delayed till Sep

Just before GE 2020 earlier this month, Temasek Holdings CEO Ho Ching announced that the release of the finalized numbers of its results would be delayed till September (‘Ho Ching: “Temasek’s own annual reporting will be delayed from Jul till Sep”‘).

She blamed it on the COVID-19 pandemic. “This year, covid has delayed the financial reporting for many companies, especially those with operations all over the world,” she said.

Her announcement prompted netizens to speculate that Temasek didn’t want to release any bad results prior to GE for fear of affecting voters’ sentiments against the ruling PAP.

Jeremey Wong: Why not release it as per schedule. People will understand performance not good due to COVID-19. We know the world is going into recession. People are smart enough to make their own view but delaying it certainly raise more eyebrows.

Benson Lan Pah Tua: Pap as usual, always give you all the bad news after an election. Before election they only want you to hear the good things

Ken Lim: If there is anything good to say surely would show hand already. Now don’t want to show hand to prevent rocking the boat for incumbent.

Buck Low: Doesn’t it give you a feeling that things that will favour them they rush (eg GE) and things that may not favour them, they “ta” brake?

Tiffany Nip: After election, they will announce losses so everything have to go up… The usual tricks by them…

陈铭伦: Why not wait until the last COVID virus dies off then release the report ?? Probably 10 yrs later ?

Kenny Kwan: Mostly in reds, going to piss off more supporters during election.

Heng WM: The delay of announcement is not to affect the pap’s election result.

Winson Tan: Announce results later PAP lose less votes?

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被控无准证办集会、拒签口供有罪 高庭驳回范国瀚上诉

社运份子范国瀚因无准证举办集会、拒签署口供,合共被罚款3200元,不服判决于日前(10月4日)向高庭提出上诉。惟今日被高庭裁决驳回上诉。 根据书面判词,高庭法官蔡利民驳回范国瀚辩护律师杜莱辛甘的辩述。后者指当时范所举办的“公民抗命及社会运动”论坛,只不过是“讨论”和“分享有关公民不服从的观点和经历”。 范国瀚在2016年11月26日,在新民巷美景城(Midview City)的AGORA,主办“公民抗命及社会运动”论坛,邀请香港“黄雨伞运动”中的学运领袖黄之锋,透过Skype与现场观众连线对谈交流。 法官指出,控方展示范国瀚有意透过上述活动,认可“透过公民不服从带来社会改革”,这属于“集会”的范畴。 “依我之见,如讨论涉及捍卫/主张某一立场、宗旨或运动,也形同在宣扬相关志业。” 尽管论坛的主题相对中立,惟法官也指出在脸书对有关活动的简介,可见其“并非纯粹中立的学术讨论”。有关简介指将邀请香港众志秘书长黄之锋,与本地社运分子施兰以及韩俐颖,分享公民不服从和民主,在营造促进进步和改变的社会运动扮演的角色。 法官认为,有鉴于黄之锋的身份,范国瀚邀请对付参与讨论,就显示范认同透过公民不服从带来社会改革的志业。 至于范国瀚被指拒签口供,法官指出警方有法律权力,要求供证者签署口供,以保障口供的可靠性。 控方曾要求调高保释金至1万5000元 法院是在今年1月3日裁定,范国瀚被指无准证举办集会,且拒绝签署口供,被判有罪。他因无准证办集会被罚2000元或10日监禁,而拒绝签口供被罚1200元或6日监禁。 据功能八号氏族会总监张素兰在脸书分享,控方曾要求提高保释金至1万5000元,所幸范国瀚辩护律师回应,范没有潜逃的风险,也真诚地出庭,法庭也驳回了控方的要求。…