About 296,000 of this year’s National Day Parade (NDP) packs have been collected by households on the first day of distribution, a spokesperson from People’s Association said on Tuesday (21 July).

The packs, known as a “Singapore Together Pack” this year, are available for collection at all community centres and community clubs until 2 August, as well as residents’ committee centres until 26 July, except on public holidays.

Only one member of each household can collect the pack between 10am and 6pm at the collection centres, in order to avoid crowding. They are also required to present identification cards when collecting the pack.

Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen said in Parliament on 5 June that the NDP organisers will be producing packs for 80 per cent of households, taking into account those who do not want one. There are 1.37 million households in Singapore based on the data from Singstats.

According to Dr Ng, the funpacks will comprise of two national flags, iron-on flags, red-filter mini stickers, a pledge card, snacks and canned drinks as well as a Singapore Together commemorative magnet. The packs also include two bottles of hand sanitiser, a thermometer and face masks.

Meanwhile, a photo of the items which allegedly included in this year’s NDP funpacks has been making rounds on social media recently.

Netizens called for an ‘opt-out option’ from receiving the NDP packs, as they perceived it as a “waste of resources”

The NDP funpacks previously became the subject of debate among netizens as many have voiced up to oppose the idea of distributing the packs. They perceived it as a “waste of resources” and commented that the resources used to produce the funpacks should be invested in supporting the frontline workers.

In fact, about 114,033 have signed the petition created by Kaushik Ilango – a student from the NUS – to call for an ‘opt-out option’ for Singaporeans and Permanent Residents (PRs) who do not want to receive the NDP packs.

Following that, Member of Parliament (MP) of Nee Soon GRC Louis Ng Kok Kwang responded on 24 May that the NDP Executive Committee will explore the idea of giving people an ‘opt-out option’ for the collection of the packs.

“For a start, I believe we should give everyone a choice. Those who want it can get it and those who don’t want it can opt-out. This will help reduce wastage,” he wrote on Facebook.

As for people’s concern on the environmental issues the NDP packs would cause, he reassured that this year’s NDP packs would be comparatively “greener” and omitted some of the items.

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