Official Opening of Tuaspring Desalination Plant by PM Lee (Olivia Lum at the right)

During the election campaigning in GE 2020, Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat said he did not say that Singapore should plan to increase its population to 10 million, nor did he mention the figure. In fact, the Singapore population is likely to be significantly below 6.9 million by 2030, He said.

In a Facebook post on 2 Jul, Heng said, “Let me be clear: the Government has never proposed or targeted for Singapore to increase the population to 10 million. And if we look at today’s situation, our population is likely to be significantly below 6.9 million by 2030.”

Nevertheless, at the second round of town hall meetings held by Hyflux on 18 Jan last year with security holders, Hyflux CEO Olivia Lum seemed to claim that the PAP government had “given instructions” for her company to plan for 8 million population.

The debt-ridden Hyflux held its second round of town hall meetings to provide a status update on the group’s reorganization process and hear the views and concerns of those security holders. It was attempting to engage the stakeholders before presenting a viable restructuring plan to creditors’ vote.

In any case, the followings were recorded in its Q&A session at the second round of town hall meetings last year. This was published on Hyflux’s website:

Perhaps Olivia Lum should publicly clarify what she meant by the government given her company instructions to “prepare for 8 million population”?

It’s not know if there were documentations from the government to Hyflux, mentioning such preparation.

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