Last updated: 12:34 AM

As voters wait to hear the official final results of Singapore’s 13th General Election (GE), “sample counts” for each Group Representation Constituency (GRC) and Single Member Constituency (SMC) will be announced by the Elections Department (ELD).

In the previous GE2015, sample counts were released less than two hours after voting closed at 8 pm. For GE2020, voting was extended to 10 pm.

A sample count is conducted at the start of the counting process to provide an indication of the possible outcome of the election in that particular constituency.

The sample count is calculated based on a random bundle of 100 ballot papers cast at each polling station and picked by a counting assistant in front of the candidates and counting agents. The assistant then tallies up the number of votes for each candidate—or group, in the case of a GRC.

The votes are then added up, with the difference in the number of votes cast at each polling station taken into account. From there, a sample count for the constituency is shown as a percentage of valid voters garnered by each candidate or team.

We note that this is just a sample count; the final results could be different.

GE2020 Sample Count Results

Aljunied GRC sample count results: Workers’ Party (60%), People’s Action Party (40%)

Ang Mo Kio GRC sample count results: People’s Action Party (72%), Reform Party (28%)

Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC sample count results: People’s Action Party (67%), Singapore People’s Party (33%)

Bukit Batok SMC sample count results: People’s Action Party (57%), Singapore Democratic Party (43%)

Bukit Panjang SMC sample count results: People’s Action Party (56%), Singapore Democratic Party (44%)

Chua Chu Kang GRC sample count results: People’s Action Party (59%), Progress Singapore Party (41%)

East Coast GRC sample count results: People’s Action Party (54%), Workers’ Party (46%)

Holland-Bukit Timah GRC sample count results: People’s Action Party (68%), Singapore Democratic Party (32%)

Hong Kah North SMC sample count result: People’s Action Party (63%), Progress Singapore Party (37%)

Hougang SMC sample count results: Workers’ Party (58%), People’s Action Party (42%)

Jalan Besar GRC sample count results: People’s Action Party (67%), People’s Voice Party (33%)

Jurong GRC sample count results: People’s Action Party (75%), Red Dot United (25%)

Kebun Baru SMC sample count results: People’s Action Party (68%), Progress Singapore Party (32%)

MacPherson SMC sample count results: People’s Action Party (73%), People’s Power Party (27%)

Marine Parade GRC sample count results: People’s Action Party (57%), Workers’ Party (43%)

Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC sample count results: People’s Action Party (64%), Singapore Democratic Party (36%)

Marymount SMC sample count results: People’s Action Party (54%), Progress Singapore Party (46%)

Mountbatten SMC sample count results: People’s Action Party (75%), People’s Voice Party (25%)

Nee Soon GRC sample count results: People’s Action Party (61%), Progress Singapore Party (39%)

Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC sample count results: People’s Action Party (63%), Singapore Democratic Alliance (25%), People’s Voice Party (12%)

Pioneer SMC sample count results: People’s Action Party (66%), Progress Singapore Party (32%), Independent (2%)

Potong Pasir SMC sample count results: People’s Action Party (61%), Singapore People’s Party (39%)

Punggol West SMC sample count results: People’s Action Party (65%), Workers’ Party (35%)

Radin Mas SMC sample count results: People’s Action Party (76%), Reform Party (24%)

Sengkang GRC sample count results: Workers’ Party (53%), People’s Action Party (47%)

Sembawang GRC sample count results: People’s Action Party (69%), National Solidarity Party (31%)

Tampines GRC sample count results:  People’s Action Party (67%), National Solidarity Party (33%)

Tanjong Pagar GRC sample count results: People’s Action Party (63%), Progress Singapore Party (37%)

West Coast GRC sample count results: People’s Action Party (52%), Progress Singapore Party (48%)

Yio Chu Kang SMC sample count results: People’s Action Party (61%), Progress Singapore Party (39%)

Yuhua SMC sample count results: People’s Action Party (69%), Singapore Democratic Party (31%)

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贸工部长陈振声认为,分享数据不是解决所有政策课题的“万灵药”,能赢得人民信任且确保数据获得客观分析也很重要。 然而,他又期望在挑战和政策议题上,能和国人有更深入的讨论。 李光耀公共政策学院政策研究所,于昨日举办2020年度新加坡透视论坛。陈振声在对话会上回答与会者提问时,这么表示。 当时人民力量党秘书长吴明盛在会上提出,政府应提供更多数据,以促进更有建设性的政策辩论。 他指出,如果对数据有先入为主的看法,就可能以特定的角度诠释之。 此前陈振声与工人党议员毕丹星,针对国内PMET就业课题在国会交锋。他以此为例,永久公民的就业数据看起来较好,结果有者就指“政府不关心公民”,或者偏好永久居民等。 指民主党对人力部数据“断章取义” 此外,民主党也被点名,该党此前被人力部发出指示要求更正网络贴文。陈振声指出,尽管都有提供数据,但被“断章取义”(truncated)。 他认为,有数据是好事,但也必须客观地看待,“如果人们都不相信你,你给再多的数据也无法赢得民心。” 此外,他也列举出对新加坡政治体系的三大愿望,其中之一就是希望对于国家挑战和政策议题,能和国人有更深层次的讨论。其二是希望新加坡人需对外部局势能更加了解,以及维持为下一代着想做决策的精神。  

避免设施没人用造成浪费 徐顺全促穆仁理:建设应多咨询居民

此前,民主党秘书长徐顺全反映,武吉巴督第190座组屋缺乏人行道;惟该区议员穆仁理曾回应,呼吁居民善用现有的无障碍通道。 徐顺全本月17日更新贴文,指出应居民王先生之邀,再到现场视察,了解建设人行道的问题。他声称,居民也邀请了穆仁理,尽管后者未克出席,不过此前已告知民众,成本乃是建设走道的因素之一,而有盖走道的建造和保养显得过于昂贵。 对此徐顺全强调,民众要求的只是一个人行道,避免在土地或草地上行走,没要求有盖人行道。 徐顺全也形容,目前区内的建设都未咨询过居民,只根据城镇规划而建设,简直就是一大资源浪费。 他也举例:“道路旁就建造一个美观的迷你公园。其中就有一个几乎没有人使用过的河流景点(A照片)和一个‘露天剧场’,一排排的座位前是一片杂草丛生、无人打理的草丛(B照片)。这些昂贵的建设显然没有效用。” 穆仁理促使用已存在走道 穆仁理提到居民可以使用已既有的走道,但居民此前都已反映,不是不愿使用这些走道,实在是碍于过去发生高空抛物的事件,居民都担忧”天降横祸“。 而是用组屋底层,居民就必须穿越建筑物和不平坦地面的锯齿形路线,这对老人家、小孩、使用婴儿车的父母或携带杂货的人们来说,非常困难。而在居民使用底层举办红白事活动时,情况更糟。徐顺全也展示了锯齿形路线的鸟瞰图,是他从另一位居民,陈先生发送的C照片。 徐顺全博士指出,他曾询问当地许多居民,获悉他们都不使用组屋底层的路线,因为他们觉得那条路线更耗时间更不方便。 帖文中,他也以大巴窑中心的组屋为例,指该处在组屋人行道几米外的地方,增建笔直的有盖人行道,为何在武吉巴督就不能了。 另一方面,有居民指出,道路的一部分已向一侧倾斜了,出现泥土流失现象,几乎没有空间给人行道了。 对于以上种种,徐顺全呼吁穆仁理不要再给理由,并希望当局以居民安全为重。


新加坡总理李显龙,在美国时间23日晚(我国时间清晨24日),在第54届唤醒良知基金会(Appeal of Conscience Foundation)颁奖晚宴上,获颁世界领导人奖(World Statesman Award)。 该基金会创办人兼主席施奈尔(Rabbi Arthur Schneier),早在4月15日指出,李显龙因其“打造多元文化主义、少数民族社区仍保有独特生活方式的和平共处社会,而获得认可”。 李显龙在致感谢词时,表示过去半世纪,新加坡致力维护各种族和宗教之间平等及和谐,消除不容忍的行为、抑制沙文主义,并引导人们改良社会行为。 他表示,在新加坡,人们对宗教信仰越来越热衷,认真看待他们的宗教信仰。他说,这不是什么坏事,因宗教导人向善;但他提醒不能变得盲目,对他人的宗教信仰或神明不敬。 ”我国因此强烈反对宗教排外的做法,因为这妨碍不同宗教信仰的国人互相交流。“…