A vote for the Singapore People’s Party (SPP) is a vote for Mr Chiam See Tong, the veteran opposition Member of Parliament who founded SPP and represented Potong Pasir in parliament for 27 years.

This was the view of Mrs Lina Chiam, his wife, who added that Mr Chiam would love to see more alternative parties in Parliament.

“Please make him happy in his retirement years because he loves politics and he loves to see more opposition in Parliament,” Mrs Chiam told Lianhe Wanbao when she part of the SPP’s walkabout at Bishan Toa-Payoh GRC on Tuesday (7 July).

When asked about how Mr Chiam is doing currently, Mrs Chiam, who is also the former chairman of SPP, revealed that her husband is doing well while keeping up with the news of candidates contesting at the constituencies.

“Mr Chiam is ok…Mr Chiam is at home watching the TV every morning because he knows CNA carries whole day programmes of the candidates contesting in various constituencies,” she said.

“And when I go home, I will tell him the day’s happening that I was canvassing, and he understands, he gives me his blessing.”

Mrs Chiam also felt heartened that the people are concerned about her husband, saying that, “Everywhere I go, the people ask for Mr Chiam, ask how he is, concern for him and [ask me to] look after him well.”

According to her, Mr Chiam teared up when she told him about their concerns and wishes.

“Because Mr Chiam loves politics, his heart is in politics, his heart is for the people,” Mrs Chiam remarked, adding that “his heart and passion is still here” although he has retired.

Mr Chiam has led SPP for almost a quarter of a century, and he served as the Member of Parliament for Potong Pasir for 27 years from his election in 1984. The veteran politician’s last public appearance was at the Chiam See Tong’s Sports Foundation Dinner held on 22 August 2019.

On the other hand, Mrs Chiam served as an NCMP from 2011 to 2015 and contested in two General Elections in Potong Pasir SMC. In 2011, Mrs Chiam became an NCMP after losing to PAP’s Sitoh Yi Pin by a razor-thin margin of 114 votes.

The SPP has sent five candidates to participate in the upcoming election.

The Party’s chairman Jose Raymond will be contesting at Potong Pasir SMC, while the other four candidates – Vice-Chairman Williiamson Lee, Secretary-General Steve Chia, as well as member Khan Osman Sulaiman and Melvyn Chiu – will be contesting at Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC.

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