Yesterday (5 July), the constituency speech for Peoples Voice (PV) at Jalan Besar GRC was broadcasted on CNA’s YouTube channel.

When speaking on behalf of the party about the COVID-19 outbreak, job opportunities, as well as inequality in Singapore, PV’s chief Lim Tean spent about 10 minutes on these topics without referring to a script.

Noting how many Singaporeans felt “abandoned by the Government”, he explained that the Government is “bestowing generosity and love” on foreigners more than its own citizens.

He went on to stress the importance of having alternative parties and voices in Parliament so as to hold the Government accountable. He described how PV and Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) voiced up about the issue revolving Singapore marching towards a 10 million population.

“This Government was hurtling towards a 10 million population although it now denies it. But if not for strong voices like Peoples Voice and another party, the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), do you think that the Government and Vivian Balakrishnan would have buckled and made that u-turn yesterday?”

Mr Lim emphasised that a “great Member of Parliament (MP)” has two aspects, the first one being the “ability to listen and work with the local community”, and the second one being the capability to transport the issues and concerns of the constituents to the Parliament.

Therefore, on behalf of PV, he urged Singaporeans to give his party a chance to serve in Parliament.

A handful of netizens commented on the YouTube video, pointing out that PV’s chief spoke “eloquently” and “straight to the point” without even referring to a script.

YouTube user C Raakhun said that Mr Lim does not require a script when he “puts himself in the shoe of an ordinary Singaporean”.

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