Source: Raeesah Khan / Facebook

Two police reports were lodged over the weekend against Raeesah Khan, the Workers’ Party (WP) candidate for Sengkang GRC, with regard to comments allegedly made by her on social media.

In a statement by the Singapore Police Force (SPF) on Sunday (5 July), Ms Raeesah allegedly commented that Singapore law enforcement authorities discriminated against citizens, and that compared to other groups, rich Chinese and white people were treated differently under the law.

“In the context of a news article on the City Harvest Church ruling, Raeesah Khan allegedly commented that Singapore jailed minorities mercilessly, harassed mosque leaders but let corrupt church leaders who stole S$50 million walk free, and questioned who had been paid,” said SPF.

A screenshot of such comments is shared online and allegedly made on 2 Feb 2018, sharing an article by Yahoo published on 1 Feb 2018.

“The Police have consulted the Attorney-General’s Chambers, which advised that an offence of promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion or race under Section 298A of the Penal Code is disclosed,” it added.

Police investigations are ongoing.

For any offence pertaining to promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion or race under the Penal Code, the offender can be jailed up to three years, or fined, or both.

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