Kumaran Pillai, the Progress Singapore Party (PSP) candidate for Kebun Baru SMC, shared his top seven concerns for the new ward on his Facebook page today (1 July) with care for the elderly topping the list.

Mr Pillai, who was the founder of The Independent Singapore, noted that his concerns that range from those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic – including hawkers and those who have lost their jobs – to low income families living in rental flats, the environment, and local businesses.

He listed them out:

  1. Care for elderly and how we can improve the infrastructure for those who are wheelchair bound. Includes those who are living alone that need additional support and supervision esp if they are living alone in their apartments.
  2. Support for those who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19 and work with the various agencies and private sector to get them back on their feet.
  3. Support for hawkers affected by COVID-19. The hawkers have experienced a fall in revenue. They are not sure whom to turn to for help.
  4. Improve the drainage systems in Thomson and Sembawang Hills and have an active dengue prevention action plan.
  5. Help the lower income families living in rental flats.
  6. Support local businesses and help them with digitization and adoption of ICT.
  7. Educate residents on maintaining a sustainable environment and have programmes to improve recycling.

Mr Pillai said, “These are some of the things in my bucket list”.

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撰文:人权律师M.Ravi  翻译:北雁 刑事法(临时条款)(CLTPA)被“临时”延长了六十年,还算是临时条款吗?该法在1955年颁布,就连名称本身都用词不当,新加坡人又再一次被愚弄了。 我们知道,该法赋权部长,未经审讯,就可下令拘留嫌犯。这原本是殖民时代的产物,是为了对应那个时代危机的临时措施。 然而,即便国家独立后,法令还沿用至今,新加坡可说是全球唯一,把一项“临时措施”保留了超过半世纪的国家。 而最近的刑事法(临时条款)修正法案,则针对部长拘留权限附加以下条款: “针对第(1)分款【拘留令和警察监视】事项,部长的所有决策均为最终决定。” 我已经说过,让部长干预警方执法的角色,很危险。上述条文也把司法机构审查任何拘留案件的权限,排除在外,使得透过司法程序挑战变得极为困难。 简言之,就是压迫基本权利,司法机构也无法、甚至对于审查有关拘捕或警察监视令是否公正,无法起作用。 在我执业期间,曾遇过一些个案、有者年仅19岁,声称自己无辜且被人诬陷。即便辩护他们的证据很无力,但却因为类似上述的法令,他们甚至连在法庭面对审判的机会都没有。 我们既然已经有针对高利贷和私会党活动制定了严法,这种“临时”措施,就不应再扩大并延伸到更广泛的犯罪行为。 刑事法(临时条款)近期的修法,…

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