Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC will see a three-cornered fight between People’s Voice (PV), Singapore Democratic Alliance (SDA) and the incumbent People’s Action Party (PAP) for GE2020. This will be the first three-cornered fight since the election in 1992.

As Nomination Day progressed today (30 June), it was reported that PV would five candidates to contest at the aforementioned GRC. The candidates are Jireh Lim Kay Cheow, Prabu Ramachandran, Mohamed Nasir Ismail, Gilbert Goh Keow Wah, and Vigneswari V. Ramachandran.

As for the SDA team, the five-member team consists of Desmond Lim Bak Chuan, Harminder Pal Singh, Abu Mohamed, as well as new faces Kelvin Ong and Kuswadi Atnawi.

The People’s Action Party’s (PAP) Teo Chee Hean leads a team of candidates including three new faces. The team comprises of Mr Teo himself, Janil Puthucheary, Mohamed Sharael Taha, Yeo Wan Ling, and Desmond Tan Kok Ming.

PV’s Mr Goh revealed to the Straits Times that his party chief Lim Tean assigned him to contest at Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC to avoid a three-cornered fight with the Progress Singapore Party at Pioneer SMC.

“I decided to contest when Lim Tean approached me. I told him that I would contest if he thought that I could add value to the team. He decided to put me in Pasir Ris-Punggol to avoid a three-cornered fight with the PSP. Lim Tean said that the PV has worked the ground in Pasir Ris-Punggol.”

Mr Goh had also mentioned that SDA’s Mr Lim contacted him prior to this day regarding PV’s fielding of candidates to this particular GRC, however, Mr Goh stated that the final decision was up to the PV chief Lim Tean.

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