Facebook has taken down the Fabrications about the PAP (FAP) page for violating its policies. Its removal has resulted in the page being no longer published on the social media platform.

The FAP page – which has been run by Chua Chin Seng – has garnered over 250,000 likes and widely known as being pro-People’s Action Party (PAP). Back in 2017, Mr Chua was issued a warning by the police for breaching the Cooling-Off Day rules during the Bukit Batok by-election in 2016.

The page, however, was no longer accessible recently.

The spokesperson from Facebook claimed that it has been unpublished on the social media platform, adding that Facebook has taken action against several accounts in Singapore for violating its policies.

“These accounts were discovered during our on-going proactive work to find and take action against accounts that violate our policies. This action is based on the behaviour of these accounts, not based on the content they posted,” the spokesperson added.

Facebook’s Head of Public Policy, Clara Koh said earlier on that several teams have been set up since July last year dedicated to Singapore’s election and have been looking out for “coordinated” or “inauthentic behaviour” on the platform.

The platform removes accounts that clearly violate its policies, and it does not allow users to misrepresent themselves, use fake accounts, or engage in behaviour designed to enable other violations of its community standards.

Additionally, Facebook page owners will have to provide additional information to Facebook in order to have the authenticity of their accounts being validated. The account will not be accessible until the process is completed.

If the account owner fails the verification process, or if Facebook discovered that there is a violation of its policies, the account will be removed.

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