Reform Party (RP) wants to “replace the People’s Action Party’s (PAP) deal of austerity for the ordinary Singaporean but opulent and in many cases secret salaries and riches for the PM and his wife, PAP Ministers and their spouses and their supporters,” the party’s “Covid Recovery Plan and Election Manifesto” released on Friday (26 June) stated. 

Titled “Build Back Better, Fairer”, the party wants to capitalise on the opportunity to turn the negative of a pandemic into the positive of rebuilding Singapore for Singaporeans. 

“We are facing an unprecedented global economic and health crisis the likes of which have not been seen in our lifetimes. Because of the severity of the economic crisis hundreds of thousands of ordinary hard-working Singaporeans face the risk of losing their jobs through no fault of their own. It is vital that after this pandemic is over we build a better and fairer society for Singaporeans,” it asserted. 

The party particularly sounded out the sustainability of Singapore’s economy if she continued to “(over-rely) on global trade and the Government’s economic model of over-saving and running huge Budget and current account surpluses.”

“If our true reserves are at least $1.5 trillion (as we believe), then we can afford to spend perhaps 4% of that every year. The Norwegians do just that with the assets in their Pension Fund. That would mean an additional $60 billion of spending every year which is about what the Government is spending in this exceptional year on combating the economic effects of the pandemic,” it added. 

RP commended the Government in “their efforts to  protect Singaporeans’ jobs and livelihoods,” but said “it is still not enough.”

The release then moved on to laying out the specific policy proposals for the GE 2020:

  1. Suspension of GST for this year and next and then a review with a view to eliminating it on certain essential categories of spending like food, utilities and medicines.
  2. Unemployment benefit of up to six months based on 75% of last drawn salary with a cap of $2500 per month.
  3. Seniors’ benefit for over 65s of $500 per month
  4. Child benefit of $300 per child per month for those at or below 1.5 median incomes
  5. Universal health care
  6. Free university education for those who have served NS
  7. Minimum wage of $10 per hour which will ensure more jobs go to Singaporeans and better wages for foreign workers
  8. Employment pass minimum salary to be raised to at least $5,000 per month with a cap on total numbers. Additional tax for those who have not done NS.
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7月也不行! 防备疫情复发民主党重申勿仓促选举

早前,有专家分析我国执政政府或会配合解封的第二阶段,将大选定在6月底至7月初举行。 5月28日,副总理兼财政部长王瑞杰也在访谈中声称选举临近,需要做好准备。但对此工人党也质问,应尽早公布具体在疫情下如何进行竞选的细节和详情。 对于盛传7月选举的揣测,民主党在今日(3日)发文告,认为我国刚结束近两个月的阻断措施,政府都还在摸索如何应对当前社会和经济局势。 在当前局势不明朗、冠状病毒19疫情后遗症还在持续的情况下,若7月举行选举,无疑将威胁国人的安全和健康。 即便贸工部长陈振声早前也坦言,选举局无法过早公布来届选举规则,理由是规则都可能会因疫情局势而需要调整转变。 民主党重申勿仓促举行选举,部长和政府机构理应集中精神和资源,防备疫情如同其他国家那般,出现复发现象。 该党敦促执政党不要重蹈覆辙,犯上三月份的疏失,因转移视线备战竞选,结果导致疫情大爆发。该党也认为,理应在疫情确实受控的情况下才状况选举,且各国已积极采取措施,相信冠病疫情终将能克服。 该党强调,选举既然不需要等到2021年4月才召开,但也可在今年底才进行。不过前提是人民行动党政府把群众健康摆在首位。


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