If elected into Parliament, Progress Singapore Party (PP)’s Wendy Low says she will continue her job as a practising lawyer as she feels it would make her a “sharper representative” for the people.

During a recent virtual Meet PSP session, Ms Low was asked if she would be quitting her job to serve the people full time if she is successful in the polls next month. Ms Low, who heads the IP advisory and dispute practice Eldan Law LLP, said “I think that being an ongoing practising lawyer would actually serve better if I am able to be placed in a position to keep track of the latest developments in law.”

She added, “And if I am that MP, that would probably make me a sharper representative in the parliament to be able to raise issues not only on behalf of the residents, but for Singaporeans at large and hopefully over time, they will also see the legal profession as a service to the community.”

Ms Low, who has been profiled as one of the “50 IP Litigators You Should Know” in the Asia Pacific Region, said “So it’s not only in my capacity or role as an MP but through my ongoing work as a lawyer that I’m actually serving the community almost 24/7.”

However, she did qualify her statement in the beginning by noting, “I think the assessment can be made only when they are better connected to the ground, to see what the needs are.”

On a practical note, Ms Low elaborated that that lawyers who go to court are usually given hearing dates in advance which leaves “a lot of room for planning” for grassroots and MP duties.

She then playfully added that if any PSP Ministers elected into parliament did not do a good job, party Secretary-General Dr Tan Cheng Bock would “scold us personally”, describing that as an “inherent deterrent”.

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