Putting politics above life is wrong, said Progress Singapore Party (PSP) secretary general Dr Tan Cheng Bock in a statement on Friday (26 June) which was posted on the Facebook page of another party candidate Dr Ang Yong Guan.

The statement asserted, “The Progress Singapore Party (PSP) has taken a very strong stand that this is not the time for a General Election. It is not safe to conduct an election even if additional precautions were taken.”

The statement went on to talk about the many issues that have “plagued” Singapore recently which the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the forefront. It said, “The seeds of decline and failure have already been sown well before this crisis. We now bear the brunt of these ill-conceived policies that badly affect our livelihood.”

It also mentioned high cost of living, expensive healthcare and unaffordable housing which has “made life very difficult” for many ordinary Singaporeans, adding that many also do no have sufficient savings in their CPF for a decent retirement.

“Jobs that are meant for our PMETs are taken over by foreigners. Our young people are deprived of opportunities and struggle to find their first job after graduation,” Dr Tan stressed.

“How can we call ourselves a first-world nation when our citizens do not enjoy a first-world livelihood? Our country is rich but only for a minority privileged few.”

He then called for changes to be made in the form of “an improved and stronger social safety net, truly affordable housing, well-subsidised healthcare and a lower cost of living,” as well as more and better jobs to go to Singaporeans and for a CPF system than assures adequate retirement savings.

Dr Tan said, “When in Parliament, PSP will not only champion these changes but will also offer constructive ideas to bring about a better future for you and your children.”

“Additional and stronger voices in Parliament can only be beneficial, to serve your interests better. A Parliament dominated by one party has proven to stifle new ideas and slow progress,” he added.

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