Earlier this afternoon (26 June), Twitter has launched a special emoji to amplify and empower ongoing General Election conversations on its platform.

From today until 17 July, the emoji is made available via multiple hashtags.

Reflecting Singapore’s national colours of red and white, the emoji features the national flag and the ballot box.

“Twitter is what’s happening and where people go to follow elections around the world – including Singapore. Please start Tweeting away using any of the hashtags listed above and stay tuned for more on how to follow #GE2020 on Twitter!” said the social media giant in a statement earlier.

Here are some hashtag examples to activate the emoji.

  • #SingaporeElection

  • #SGElection

  • #SingaporeVotes

  • #SGVotes

  • #GE2020

“To unite people around the Singapore election conversation on Twitter, we’re launching today a custom election emoji that will run for the duration of the campaigns. The emoji has a creative display of Singapore’s national flag and colours and is activated by the hashtags #SingaporeElection #SGElection #SingaporeVotes #SGvotes #GE2020,” said Kathleen Reen, Senior Director of Public Policy and Philanthropy Asia Pacific, Twitter.

“We hope the emoji will be a valuable visual link to help promote the discoverability of the election conversation and to connect people in Singapore in real-time with a wide variety of other topics happening on our service,” she added.

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