On last Sunday (21 June), People’s Voice’s (PV) chief Lim Tean began the party’s very first Living Room Rally live session on Facebook, which will be carried out until Cooling-Off Day.

Earlier this morning (26 June), Mr Lim reposted a clip from that very broadcast.

Having PV’s first rally held at Tower Road, Jalan Besar – which is one of the constituencies the party is contesting – he answered several questions that were raised by the public.

Revamping Singapore’s education system

A question from Titus asked if PV will revamp the education system, and the party’s chief pledged to do so, explaining that “times have changed” and that the education system should instead promote critical thinking since he believed that Singapore is now in the “knowledge era”.

Mr Lim was baffled at the fact that the People’s Action Party (PAP) mentioned how there was a “mismatch in skills and jobs”, so much so that they had to hire foreigners. The lawyer mentioned that it indirectly shows that the education system in Singapore has been “bad”.

He expressed that Singapore could not educate its people to do the jobs that are available in the market, questioning the competency of the Education Minister Ong Ye Kung as well as the system.

“The PAP always talk about revamping the education system, but look at how slow they are! They cannot even do away with the PSLE, and a few months ago after PV made a lot of noise when we question why in the midst of COVID-19, our home-based learning was so backwards.”

Mr Lim also recalled how all secondary school students were promised to be provided learning devices by 2028, wondering why the Government could not do so in 2020 instead, given that Singapore is a first-world country.

“Ong Ye Kung said by 2024 or 2027 – I can’t remember which year – every secondary school student will then have a laptop, a learning device. The other day, I learned from Tharman, that now, they will bring it forward to next year.

You mean in 2020, Singapore being a first world nation, is not able to equip its students with learning devices for home-based learning?”

PV’s 7th constituency at Jurong GRC

The second question from Hong Lee asked Mr Lim where his party will be contesting. Apart from the six constituencies he had revealed yesterday (25 June), he added that PV will be contesting at Jurong GRC as well.

The lawyer noted that PV is currently in talks with other alternative parties to make sure that the alternative parties will have a “resounding success” on Polling Day.

Multi-party system in Parliament

The third question came from Gad, commenting that there wasn’t a “strong opposition party”, and had asked if there will be a coalition among the alternative parties.

In response, Mr Lim stated that he supports a multi-party system in Parliament, adding that a multi-party system forces the parties to work together to come up with “the best solutions”.

He also believed that there will be a chance for alternative parties to work together.

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