On Thursday (25 June), the chairman of Singapore People’s Party (SPP) Jose Raymond took to his Facebook to express his appreciation to Emeritus Senior Minister (ESM) Goh Chok Tong for his contribution in Singapore’s sports industry.

“ESM Goh Chok Tong – Thank you very much for your leadership and contributions to Singapore during your tenure,” Mr Raymond wrote.

He also shared his experience when covering a door-stop while Mr Goh was playing golf with former United States President Bill Clinton, noting that it was one of the most memorable assignments when he was a journalist.

Speaking about Mr Goh’s contribution in the sports sectors, Mr Raymond noted that Mr Goh has helped to open up the non-profit space while taking interest in developing sports as an industry and in enhancing the value which sports brought to the country and the people.

He also acknowledged Mr Goh for initiating the Singapore Sports Hub during his leadership as Second Prime Minister, adding that the release of the Committee of Sporting Singapore report in 2001 helped elevate sports in Singapore to an all new level.

“The Singapore sports industry will miss having you,- a former premier – as a passionate advocate for sports. As a fellow Singaporean, I would like to thank you for everything you have done for Singapore during your time in Cabinet, and as our second Prime Minister.”

In the post, Mr Raymond also shared a photo of him and Mr Goh alongside Mrs Lina Chiam, the wife of Chiam See Tong, taken at the Chiam See Tong Sports Fund Gala Dinner in August 2019.

It was reported that Mr Goh, who is aged 79-year-old, is retiring from politics after 44 years of serving as Member of Parliament (MP) for Marine Parade.

In a letter to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Wednesday (24 June), Mr Goh noted that he had decided not to contest in the coming General Election (GE) “after much thought and with a heavy heart”.

He also bid farewell to politics in a Facebook post yesterday, saying that he will “continue to contribute to Marine Parade and Singapore in other ways”.

“To all my Marine Parade GRC residents, thank you for your support all these years. I wish you good health, happiness and success,” Mr Goh remarked. “This is au revoir, not adieu.”

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