Workers’ Party (WP) chief Pritam Singh took to his Facebook on Friday (19 June) to inform the public that his fellow colleague, Low Thia Khiang, is “recovering steadily” at home after suffering from a serious fall on 30 April.

Mr Singh said that he visited 63-year-old Mr Low at his house on the first day of Phase 2 to find out how the Aljunied GRC MP was doing.

“I visited Mr Low at his home this evening to see how he was doing after his bad fall in April. I had to speak to him over the phone before this as the enhanced circuit breaker prevented me from visiting him earlier,” the WP chief wrote.

Although Mr Low is recovering steadily, Mr Singh stated that the doctors advised the former WP secretary-general to not rush his recovery.

As such, Mr Singh pointed out that he can imagine how difficult this advice would be for Mr Low as he is “man of his drive and sense of purpose”.

“But in view of the seriousness of his injuries, he is sticking to the doctor’s orders. Mr Low is touched and grateful for all the words of concern and support, and thanks everyone,” Mr Singh noted.

WP announced in a statement on 2 May that Mr Low suffered a head injury from a fall at home on 30 April, and was placed in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to be monitored.

“Mr Low is conscious. Mr Low’s family has requested for privacy so he can focus on his recuperation,” the party said.

Just three days later, on 5 May, WP released another statement announcing that Mr Low was transferred to a general ward after being admitted in the ICU for five days.

“After 5 days in ICU, Mr Low was transferred on 4 May to a general ward, where he is likely to remain for a few more weeks to recuperate,” the party wrote.

The party added that his family “has asked us to convey their deep appreciation for all the good wishes sent to him for a speedy recovery”.

Mr Low was discharged from the hospital after three weeks and has since been recuperating at home.

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