Dr Lee Weiling has just posted on her Facebook page, saying that events since the posting on 14 Jun 2017, have only served to reinforce their view.

The Facebook post was also shared by her younger brother, Lee Hsien Yang (LHY) on his Facebook page.

For those who have forgotten the incident as with many forgetful Singaporeans, here is a quick refresher.

In the joint statement published on 14 June 2017, Dr Lee and Mr LHY alleged that Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong (PM Lee) had abused his power as Prime Minister and how the two are being threatened by the current government as a result of refusing to abide PM Lee’s desire to retain the Oxley road estate despite their father, late Lee Kuan Yew’s wish to demolish the house after his passing.

In that statement, the two wrote, “The values of Lee Kuan Yew are being eroded by his own son. Our father placed our country and his people first, not his personal popularity or private agendas. We are very sad that we have been pushed to this. We feel hugely uncomfortable and closely monitored in our own country. We do not trust Hsien Loong as a brother or as a leader. We have lost confidence in him.”

Read: Prime Minister Lee’s siblings denounce him in statement, state misuse of his position and influence over Singapore government

The post made by the two siblings created a huge political tremor across the island, which compelled their brother, LHL to call for a parliament session which was held over two days to “clear” his name in light of the allegations and growing public speculations.

However, other than statements made by politicians in the parliament to decry the allegations as wild fabrications, there was no clear evidence presented that rebutted the claims made by the two siblings and LHL.

Mr Low Thia Khiang, MP for the Aljunied GRC then said,

“First, I am of the view that the correct platform to settle the private dispute is the court. Individuals who make less serious allegations that undermine the reputation and authority of the PM and Cabinet ministers have been brought to task for libel. There’s no reason why this time it should be different because it comes from the Lee family.

And in fact the allegations are much more serious. Given the past track record, not doing so would risk the Government giving the impression that it is afraid of what the Lee siblings might say or reveal. These will taint the trust Singaporeans have placed on the Government and compromise the high standards that the Government prides itself on achieving and aspire to maintain.”

Despite the damaging allegations made, LHL has not sued his two siblings for defamation for reasons of not wanting to “further besmirch our parents’ names,”.  “At the end of the day, we are brothers and sister, and we are all our parents’ children.” said LHL during the 2017 parliament debate.

Following the session in Parliament where LHL cleared himself of any wrongdoings, his nephew, Li Shengwu was charged for contempt of court in late 2017 over a private Facebook post. He subsequently withdrew from the proceedings in Jan this year after AGC applied to strike out parts of his own defence affidavit “with the result that they will not be considered at the trial”.

In Jan 2019, LHY’s wife, Lee Suet Fern had a complaint filed against her by the Attorney General Chambers which was headed by LHL’s former private lawyer, Lucien Wong. The Disciplinary Tribunal then released a report which accuses her of her professional misconduct in the preparation and execution of the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s final will.

In Sept 2019, PM Lee sues TOC editor, Terry Xu over an article published in regards to his wife, “PM Lee’s wife, Ho Ching weirdly shares article on cutting ties with family members”. The trial is set to be heard on 30 Nov to 4 Dec later this year.

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