A case of animal abuse reportedly broke out at a three-storey house located at Sunrise Walk in Yio Chu Kang recently, involving a domestic helper and her employers’ pet poodle.

Although the news was reported by Lianhe Wanbao yesterday (11 June), this incident took place at around 9am on 13 May.

The 28-year-old domestic helper allegedly threw DouDou, a pet poodle, from the third floor of the house, causing fatal internal injuries on the canine.

It was reported that the domestic helper has not been able to perform her duties well for close to six months since she started working for Mr Xu and Ms Sha, a Hong Kong couple in their mid-thirties. On the day of the incident, she “frantically” informed her employers – who were at home at that time – that she found the dog lying motionless at their porch.

Mr Xu recalled that both he and his wife dashed to check on DouDou, only to find their beloved pet bleeding from its mouth.

“In that morning, I was working in my home office and my wife was resting in the bedroom. The domestic helper rushed over and told us that DouDou was lying motionless on their porch. When we went to see what happened, DouDou was bleeding from its mouth.”

The couple immediately brought DouDou to the veterinary clinic. The vet informed them that the poodle was severely injured as its spine was nearly broken, adding that it is for the best to euthanise the dog.

Ms Sha told the Chinese paper that they did not want to give up on DouDou, but they were told that the dog may be paralysed with a chance of dying anytime. Hence, they decided to proceed with the euthanisation – which left them heartbroken.

“We didn’t want to give up so we begged the doctor to save our dog. But the doctor said that even if DouDou survived, it may be paralysed and may die anytime. Despite the agony, we agreed to euthanise our dog. DouDou took its last breath in our embrace and we felt absolutely heartbroken.”

The vet suggested that DouDou’s injuries were caused by three possible reasons, such as being run over by a car, falling from high heights, or being beaten by someone.

The couple did suspect their domestic helper was the culprit, but they could not do anything since she profusely denied committing the cruel act when confronted.

A few days after that, the domestic helper got into an argument with the couple as she refused to take care of the couple’s child, after which the couple decided to lodge a police report against her.

Following the police investigation on the domestic helper, evidence was found in her mobile phone which shows DouDou being thrown downstairs. The domestic helper was then arrested.

The Hong Kong couple came to Singapore with their poodle. They had been taking care of DouDou for 11 years.

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