More than 200 schools in S. Korea forced to close again after biggest surge in COVID-19 in weeks

Right after South Korea had allowed children to return to school last…

Sun Xueling invites S’poreans to “get active” and learn self-defence techniques at home

Feeling bored because of working from home and there’s nothing much to…

Yee Jenn Jong: Examining the minister’s take on Singapore’s construction sector

by Yee Jenn Jong Last week, Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun…

US scrambles to stem anger as Trump faces backlash for violent crackdown

by Shaun Tandon with Julia Benarrous in Houston Leaders across the United…

Makeshift dormitory in Eunos begins receiving migrant workers cleared for COVID-19

The makeshift dormitory at the formerly disused Bedok North Secondary School (BNSS)…

CAD, MAS, ACRA launch joint investigation into Hyflux’s current and former directors for breach of disclosure and non-compliance accounting standards

The Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) of the Singapore Police Force, the Monetary…

过去三年 客工宿舍经营者每年违规近80例!

人力部指出,过去三年来,客工宿舍经营者涉及抵触宿舍管理法规,每年竟可多达80例! 据人力部回应亚洲电视台的询问,指出其中60巴仙都属“轻微疏失”,例如未能维持宿舍内的整洁等等。 上月5日,人力部长杨莉明曾在国会指出,每年平均有1200名雇主,因没为客工安排适当住宿而被惩处;还有20名宿舍经营者,因触犯《外籍员工宿舍法令》被惩处。 而我国有43座在上述法令管制下的大型客工宿舍。这意味着有近半的经营者都曾涉及违规。 人力部称,即便轻微违规当局仍会采取行动,涉及违规的经营者,将被要求立即纠正,直至人力部满意为止。 根据《外籍员工宿舍法令》,若出现违规行为,宿舍经营者可被罚款最高5万元,监禁一年或两者兼施。 不过,若出现屡犯不改或严重疏失,人力部则会提控有关经营者,例如2019年,MES集团的子公司Labourtel Management Corporation及其公司董事Parvis Ahamed Mohamed Ghouse,被控上庭。

Grab to disallow passengers to sit in the front as part of enhanced precautionary measures

Aiming to reduce the risks of COVID-19 transmission on its transport services,…

Migrant Forum in Asia: Justice must be served for migrant workers repatriated as a result of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted business sectors across the globe, leading…

由BTG控股强制收购 BreadTalk周五除牌下市

经由BTG控股公司强制收购后,我国大型餐饮业上市公司面包物语集团(BreadTalk)宣布将于周五(6月5日)自新加坡交易所退市! 该集团在周三的交易所文件中指出,有关退市将于周五早上9时正生效。而在申请退市之前,集团的股票交易已经于4月21日停止。 其实,该集团自2019年就面对了580万元的净亏损,最近受到疫情影响,财务压力加剧。本年初,该集团在交易所的文件中也提到,其在新加坡、中国和香港等主要市场内的运营都充满了挑战。 而在3月份,面包物语集团宣布削减了高级和中层管理员的薪金,员工的薪金也从3月至6月,面对约10至50巴仙的削减。 面包物语集团主席郭明忠在今年2月曾提出自愿有条件式收购献议(Voluntary conditional cash offer),让通过旗下,由他本人、其妻子李丽玲和泰国酒店和休闲集团美诺国际集团(Minor International)所持有的特殊目的实体(special purpose vehicle),BTG控股公司提出,以每股0.77元的收购献议将集团私有化,并在之后将集团除牌下市。