With over 35,000 COVID-19 cases striking Singapore, it has been straining for the frontline workers to manage the outbreak. With the intention to support and show appreciation to these workers, more than 20,000 care packs were distributed to the frontliners.

Home Affairs Senior Parliamentary Secretary Sun Xueling shared this piece of news on her Facebook yesterday (1 June).

Ms Sun stated that over 20,000 “Everyday Guardians” care packs were distributed in the past few days, adding that the care packs were prepared by more than 200 Home Team volunteers at their home, as well as officers from the Ministry of Home Affairs HQ who volunteered.

She explained that the “Everyday Guardians” care pack was an initiative by the Home Team Volunteers to show appreciation towards the frontline workers from the Home Team, the Ministry of Social and Family Development the Ministry of Manpower, the Singapore Army, the National Parks Board, and the Migrant Workers’ Centre.

On HTVolunteers’ Facebook, they revealed that the care pack includes reusable masks from Temasek Foundation, hand sanitiser, hand cream, a pack of wet wipes, an SG United button badge, and a piece of paper written with a “thank you” message from the Home Team Volunteers Network (HTVN).

Acknowledging that the frontline workers play a vital role in battling against COVID-19 and that the pandemic in Singapore would be a “marathon battle”, Ms Sun asserted that providing support for their families is “also critical”.

“Our frontliners play a crucial role in our nation’s battle against COVID-19, working tirelessly to keep our homes and communities safe. This is going to be a marathon battle so the support of our frontliners’ families is also critical.”

She further explained that the “Everyday Guardians” care pack is “a symbol of gratitude” to these frontline workers and their families. Despite noting that it is a “small gesture”, she believed that it would remind Singaporeans that “we are all in this together”.

“This “Everyday Guardians” care pack is a symbol of our gratitude to our frontliners and their families for their dedication and sacrifice. It is a small gesture on our part but it reminds us that we are all in this together. Everyone can contribute to fight covid-19.”

Other than explaining the purpose of distributing the care packs, Ms Sun also thanked the sponsors who contributed to this project.

“A big thank you to our kind sponsors, including the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA), the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCCI), Singapore Airlines (SIA), Temasek Foundation and community project “Masks Sewn with Love”, who contributed items to the “Everyday Guardians” care packs.”

She ended her post with a hopeful note, expressing that she feels confident as long as Singaporeans “stay united” and continue to “look our for one another”. Believing that the nation will overcome this pandemic, Ms Sun remarked that Singapore will “emerge even stronger as a community”.

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