Reading reports of what Minister for Culture, Community and Youth, Grace Fu has said, it may be fair to say that she has very little understanding of what irony means. Besides, wholly missing the point and misunderstanding public sentiment, she also sounds completely dismissive of the feelings of average Singaporeans.

She says that certain locals have a “visceral reaction” to recent reports of foreigners gathering at Robertson Quay, drinking and flouting social distancing rules and stressed Singapore’s social fault lines and increased tensions between foreigners and locals. Has she considered that this isn’t at all about disliking foreigners but rather about how our government may appear to treat well heeled foreigners far better than how it treats its own citizens?

Pretty scary that she has chosen to view potential unfair treatment as local xenophobia instead of attempting to address the apparent unequal treatment.

Singaporeans are not angry about “people looking different” from us. They are angry that punishment for flouting social distance rules have seemingly not been evenly meted out! Singaporeans have a “visceral reaction” to unfairness! Not to people looking different!

Facebook user Lectress Pat and DJ Jade Rasiff had previously posted on social media that there appeared to be less enforcement officers in areas frequented by affluent expatriates and tourists as opposed to in heartland areas. Whether or not that is a coincidence is anyone’s guess.

However, it is this potential difference in treatment that has caused outrage. Fu, in making it about race and xenophobia is dismissive to say the least. Either that, or she has zero empathy for the average Singaporean. Neither scenario is particularly reassuring.

Besides, it sounds pretty rich for a member of the government that has (unwittingly or otherwise) enabled the spread of the coronavirus amid our blue collar migrant workers through its inaction in February when migrant worker infections were first made public and its policies which enabled exploitation and poor housing of our migrant workers to turn around and imply that the general public is racist?

As of now, the figures of COVID-19 transmission in Singapore within the dormitories remain high. There have also been much unfavourable news coverage (both locally and internationally) about how the migrant workers in Singapore are being treated. The fact that a senior member of the government that is behind the policies of how we (mis)treat our migrant workers can imply that the general public is racist is frankly baffling!

Clearly Fu has no understanding of what the term “irony” means.

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马国两甘榜出现61确诊遭“封锁” 非居民不得入村

马来西亚柔佛州两个地区,居銮新邦令金两个甘榜出现冠状病毒19确诊病例多达61起,当地政府立即宣布对两村实施加强行动管制令(Enhanced Movement Control Order),禁止居民出门,福利局负责膳食安排。 居銮县出现的83起确诊病例中,有61起来自两个甘榜:甘榜拿督依布拉欣玛吉,以及拿督依布拉欣玛吉新镇。 国防部高级部长拿督斯里依斯迈沙比利昨晚发文告指出,政府经卫生部劝告,为防止疫情扩散,决定将这两个地区列为“重灾区”,即日起实施加强行动管制令,直到4月9日结束。 受影响的居民包括当地的650户,3570名居民,以及逗留在当地的游客。 所有出入口关闭 在禁令实施期间,当地居民和游客都不得离开住所,外人也不能进入,所有出入口都被关闭。社会福利局将会为当地人提供14天的基本食物,商业活动都必须停止,只有医疗机构开放。 此外,当局也会进行沿户检测,以及进行病例个案调查活动。 依斯迈沙比利指出,大马皇家警察、武装部队、民防部队、志愿警卫队成员都会加入管制相关区域,确保禁令完善执行。 他促请居民保持冷静,和卫生部及相关当局充分配合。

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