With all the safe and social distancing measures enforced in Singapore because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the circuit breaker that was set up to contain the virus, Singaporeans are instructed to stay home and avoid all social activities.
Beer distributor and former chocolatier, Lim Jialiang, recently shared his opinion regarding the irony that he observed during the circuit breaker period.
Mr Lim, who has often been cited in news for his opinions, questioned the importance of the National Day Parade (NDP) when citizens have been fined for breaking the circuit breaker measures, and that Muslims have to stay home and are not allowed to do house visits for Hari Raya.

Understanding that these measures and punishments were meant for the bigger picture—to cease the spread of COVID-19 in the community—Mr Lim stressed that these “important cultural and social functions” had to be halted.
However, despite people missing out on important festivities and social activities, the Government insists on carrying on with NDP2020. Mr Lim felt that there is an unbalanced preference displayed by the Government that has chosen to prioritise NDP2020 instead.

So you fine seniors and break up their social gatherings, you tell muslims that they have to stay at home and not do house visiting during Raya, in the name of public health. We are all aware that for the sake of public health, these important cultural and social functions that we value and treasure have to be put on hold for the time being. But when it comes to the National Day Parade, we must hold your military orgasms to make your generals feel shiok-shiok.”

The former chocolatier who founded Demochoco, a chocolate truffle business, went on to point out that the way PAP politicians were busy increasing their public exposure had somehow obscured the line between charity and electioneering amid a global pandemic.
Not just that, but the vital NGOs that are not “government-aligned” or “-approved” had to fight to be classified as essential.

“Our PAP politicians dart in and out of places, cosplaying as social-distancing ambassadors, giving out masks and hand santisers, and obscuring the line between charity and electioneering. At the same time, vital NGOs that are not government-aligned or approved of have to fight with MTI to be classified as essential.”

Seeing how certain Singaporeans were not satisfied with the crisis response exhibited by the Government, Mr Lim claimed that the authorities are “gaslighting” Singaporeans by accusing the citizens of not being supportive.
Moreover, he also implied that the Government was using the decline in COVID-19 community cases as a reason to question the people’s lack of support.
Apart from acknowledging that Singaporeans had largely supported the Government and followed the lead of the public health officials and politicians, Mr Lim suggested that the Government’s election strategy involves “browbeating” and shaming the Singaporean people to vote for them.

“Now, you are gaslighting Singaporeans by saying that we are somehow not supportive, even though the cases in the community has come down to single digits (your own metrics, mind you). Singaporeans have by and large supported the government and followed the lead of public health officials and politicians. If your election strategy is to browbeat and shame Singaporeans to the polls to give you our votes, I wish I can share this inexplicable optimism of yours.”

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