In the early hours of Wednesday (13 May), 70 firefighters were rushed to a two-storey warehouse at No. 2B Tuas Ave 12 to put out a “raging” fire at the second floor of the building.
The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said in a Facebook post that the team responded to the emergency at about 6.20am this morning and managed to extinguish the blaze about an hour later, at around 7.50am.
The blaze mainly involved the items inside the warehouse, which largely comprised of “machineries and bales of plastic resins”. The fire was extremely intense, causing the walls of the premises to fall apart, SCDF noted.

“SCDF immediately deployed its resources to surround and contain the fire. Firefighters faced intense heat from the fire, which had caused the walls of the premises to break off,” it said.
SCDF also revealed that a total of 16 emergency vehicles were deployed to the scene, and 8 handheld jets had to be used to mitigate the fire at the height of the operations.

No injuries were reported and investigation to find out the cause of the fire is still ongoing.
Upon putting out the blaze, SCDF said that damping down operations are currently taking place. “Damping down refers to the application of water to wet burnt surfaces immediately after a fire is put out. It is to prevent any potential rekindle of fire from the hot burnt surfaces,” SCDF explained.

This is not the first time SCDF has had to battle with fire at Tuas this year. In March, about 100 firefighters were sent to put out a blaze at an industrial area in Tuas, with one person reportedly injured from the fire.
SCDF described the fire as the size of about one and a half football fields and had engulfed a five-storey warehouse. Meanwhile, firefighters were fighting the fire with three water jets and one water monitor.
“It largely involved drums of flammable substances such as diesel and cleaning agents,” it said.
SCDF managed to put out the fire in March after battling close to 18 hours.

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