As Singapore focuses on ramping up COVID-19 test rates, especially among migrant workers, the country is also looking to diversify its sources of COVID-19 testing resources, said the Ministry of Health’s director of medical services Kenneth Mak on Tuesday (12 May).
At the moment, around 3,000 migrant workers living in dormitories are tested for the virus on a daily basis, but the Government wants to increase the testing rate in the next few weeks in order to make sure that these workers are free of the virus before resuming work.
While addressing reporters in a virtual press conference, Associate Professor Mak said that Singapore’s decision to intensify its testing rate is taking place at a time where many countries around the world are also doing the same.
“There are many countries who are…also ramping up their test capacity at the same time as we are. And we all have a common interest of wanting to test more people within our communities, and therefore there will inevitably be some competition for resources,” he said.
He added, “This is the reason that we want to diversify where we will procure our various test kits and test resources.”
On Tuesday, Singapore announced that it plans to test all 323,000 migrant workers living in cramped dormitories in the country as they make up the biggest chunk of infected cases here.
As of today (13 May), there are a total of 25,346 positive cases of the deadly coronavirus in Singapore, taking the country to the number one spot for the highest number of infections in Southeast Asia. Most of the cases in Singapore are detected among migrant workers living in unsanitary and overly-crowded dormitories.
Just over two weeks ago on 28 April, Health Minister Gan Kim Yong said that, at the time, 21,000 migrant workers living in dormitories have been tested for the virus. That’s about one in 15 workers, he said. At the time, 12,183 worker in dormitories were confirmed to have the virus. Currently, that number stands at 22,334 cases among migrant workers in dormitories.
Mr Gan also said then that testing capacity for migrant workers was at about 3,000 a day, and that the MOH is increasing its testing capacity.

Singapore gets testing kits from three sources

At the virtual press conference, Prof Mak explained that the city-state gets its testing kits from three main sources which are: local companies that have the capabilities to generate such kits, research partners like the Agency for Science, Technology and Research, as well as from various other countries around the globe such as China and South Korea.
Apart from looking to diversify its sources, the Republic has also tried to decrease its dependency on different steps within the test stream. This is because each step requires reagents and there can be a short of supply for this at times.
As such, Prof Mak explained that one way to go around this is to use tests that circumvent the need for certain reagents, which can help bypass some of the issues relating to competition and limited supply.
“These are some of the strategies we have to make sure that we have sufficient test capacity, not only for our current needs, but (by) continuing to expand the capacity for future needs as well,” he stated.

Systematic testing strategy to be implemented

Separately, the Government also revealed that a systematic testing strategy will be implemented in order to ensure that migrant workers are truly free of the COVID-19 virus before returning to their dormitories and resuming work after the circuit breaker period ends on 1 June.
National Development Minister Lawrence Wong said on Tuesday that serology tests will be carried out first at dormitories with high infection rates.
The test will detect the presence of antibodies to the virus in a person’s bloodstream, indicating that they have been infected with the virus in the past and have recovered. Antibodies may also suggest that the individual is now immune to the virus.
Those who have been tested negative for serology tests, however, will have to undergo a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test to detect the presence of an infection. Mr Wong said that PCR tests will either be done individually or in batches, meaning in pooled testing.
The Minister explained that serology and PCR tests are part of a systematic and thorough process which can be implemented to verify the health status of workers before they get back to work and to “clear the dorms”.

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Simon Lim: 《海峡时报》B3版报导,贸工部长陈振声曾说,新加坡需要更多人来帮助有需要的人。对此,我赞同他的观点。 在人民行动党的管治下,新加坡绝对贫穷家庭处境令人震惊,在我们的社会,仍然有存在许多破碎的家庭,或其家人正在经历牢狱之灾。我亦能理解,等待组屋申请过程也相当漫长,这一切都是坏消息。 要帮助有需要的人,基本上需要具备两种需求:钱和时间。但在富裕的人民行动党的眼里,难道只有时间才是大问题,相反钱只是小事? 如果与其他先进国家比较起来,一般新加坡人的工时最长。许多工人阶级的人民根本没有时间腾出来给自己的家人,享受天伦之乐,甚至他们的睡眠时间严重不足,以至于他们只能靠周末仅有的时间来补眠。 因此,我想请教陈振声部长,那些所谓的居民委员会、公民咨询委员会还有人民协会,究竟做了什么,来帮助我们真正需要帮助的人民?我理解一些成员能享有福利如泊车、为子女报读学校优先权等,但与此同时,究竟下了多少功夫在协助需要帮助的人民上面? 我也知道其中有些志愿组织、宗教团体以及学生团体会访视贫困家庭,并给他们一些物资,但很多都是临时性质,而且这样的组织也不多。 就我个人而言,我认为新加坡的部长都知道如何获得高薪与奖金,以至于市民只能仰望、幻想、嫉妒他们,而像陈振声的呼吁,听起来却如此空泛。说真的,真的太空洞了。 原文在此