With the current COVID-19 pandemic, one group that is working relentlessly to try and contain the spread of the deadly virus is none other than frontline healthcare workers.
In order to express their gratefulness to this group of people, Progress Singapore Party (PSP) took to its official Facebook page on Monday (11 May) to dedicate a thoughtful and touching song to them.
“Thank you to all our frontline healthcare workers for your selflessness and dedication – you are our heroes!” PSP stated as the caption of the post.
Titled “You are our heroes”, the song and the lyrics of it was written by the party’s newly appointed Central Executive Committee (CEC) member Francis Yuen. Mr Yuen is a former Republic of Singapore Air Force colonel and former chief executive of Hong Leong Asia.
Below is the lyrics to the song:

She wakes up in the morning when dawn has yet to break
Then slips out from her bedroom to prepare for another day
She’s another unsung hero who strives so selflessly
To make sure we are all safe from this COVID-19
We thank you all for the sacrifice you make
Appreciate the stress and load you take
Doctors, nurses and frontline workers too
You are the heroes we thank you
You know the risks you’re facing yet you work through night and day
Protect us from the danger taking care of the sick
Let’s unite us as one people to fight this pandemic
We’ll stand behind you always pray for your strength and courage

The party’s Secretary-General Dr Tan Cheng Bock also took to his Facebook on Monday to share the song to all his followers.
He said that he appreciates the load and stress that medical individuals like doctors, nurses and frontline workers such as ambulance drivers, paramedics, security, hospital admim and support staff take in order to keep the people of Singapore safe.
“Thinking also especially of the mothers of this group of frontline heroes who have had to miss celebrating Mother’s Day because of duty. Let’s continue to give them encouragement and support,” Dr Tan wrote

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李显龙称国家安全不假手于人 惟骁勇辜加部队仍是维安砥柱

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