Last Friday (1 May), CPF member Mr Dendroff William wrote to ST Forum asking the government to allow CPF members to withdraw $5,000 from their CPF accounts so as to help tide the people over the current COVID-19 crisis.
Sim Feng Ji, Divisional Director of Income Security Policy from the Manpower Ministry replied today (7 May) essentially saying ‘No’ to Mr William.
Sim started off by saying that the government has already responded to the economic impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic “strongly and decisively” through supplementary budgets totaling $63.7 billion which was announced by DPM Heng Swee Keat earlier.
“These are to support businesses, households and individuals that are affected,” Sim said.
“We are helping businesses retain their local employees through the Jobs Support Scheme by co-funding the first $4,600 of gross monthly wages of each employee for nine months. This is in addition to other relief measures for businesses.”
Sim noted that all households will also get help from the “Care and Support Package”, which includes the one-off “Solidarity” payment of $600 to all Singaporeans above 21.
“Lower-income households get extra help through the Workfare Special Payment and grocery vouchers,” he added.
“Singaporeans affected by job loss or significant income reduction may also get help through the Temporary Relief Fund, Covid-19 Support Grant and Self-Employed Person Income Relief Scheme.”
Also, all CPF members above 55 can already withdraw up to $5,000 from their CPF Ordinary Account and Special Account, or more if they set aside their Full Retirement Sum in cash or Basic Retirement Sum in cash with property, he shared.
“The Government is mindful that any change to CPF withdrawal policy will impact Singaporeans’ ability to save for retirement. It is therefore better to support members through other means,” he said.
For those who really need help, the CPF Board can work with relevant agencies to assist them, he added.
Whatever it is, Sim is essentially saying people can’t simply withdraw one’s own money from their CPF accounts to tide over crisis caused by the current COVID-19 outbreak, other than what the present CPF rules already allow.

Malaysia’s EPF starts payout from 4 May

Malaysia’s Employees Provident Fund (EPF) announced recently that the crediting of approved i-Lestari withdrawals into members’ bank accounts will start on Monday, 4 May to May 18.
The retirement fund said on Sunday (3 May) that the members would be informed, via the i-Lestari Online facility, as soon as the funds transfer is successfully done to their active bank accounts.
“The actual date when the money will be available for withdrawal from bank accounts will be subject to the respective bank’s clearance procedures ranging from one to three days from the date of transfer from the EPF, ” it said.
Chief EPF officer Alizakri Alias said more than 3.51 million applications — capped at RM500 per month — have been approved totaling over RM1.66 billion since the launch of i-Lestari early April.
Alizakri earlier said in March, “i-Lestari will provide some relief to those financially affected during this period of concern and uncertainty.”
He added, “As a retirement fund, the EPF has to strike a balance between our mandate to safeguard our members’ retirement savings, and caring for their well-being.”
Just last week, Alizakri reiterated this by stating that the EPF understands the urgent cash requirements needed to get through the current challenging times even though it was concerned the i-Lestari withdrawals will substantially reduce the members’ retirement savings.
He hopes that members will think deeply before deciding on the amounts to be withdrawn from their account as they will need to balance their present cash needs while ensuring a solid financial future.
He also said once the MCO is lifted, it urged members to make an appointment with EPF’s retirement advisory services officers who would help to review and restructure their retirement plans.
This withdrawal facility will only be effective for a maximum period of 12 months, starting from May this year.

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“没有多少五年时间” 符策涫号召自愿者备战选举

工人党符策涫,直指人民“没有多少五年的时间,能够再作出对的事情”,并指反对党能够成为国会中强烈的异议与可信的声音,推动政府发挥最佳作用。 符策涫今日(10日)于脸书上发文。回忆过往2006年5月,他曾通过电子邮件感谢当时身为工人党领导人的刘程强成为国会中“无畏的声音“,以及为后港居民所付出的努力。 受到刘程强影响,令符策涫为之所动,也促使他成为工人党的一员。他忆述,在发完邮件后与刘程强首次见面,亦开启这条“无法回头之路“。 除了刘程强与工人党为选区所付出的,符策涫认为,国会中更需要多元的声音,亦是他选择加入工人党的重要原因。 符策涫也指出,尽管他未曾受过高等教育,但他仍想以自己的方式作出贡献,而他认为每件看似不重要的事都非常重要,所以他并不能够独自完成。 “即使做着平凡和简单的工作,也没关系,我为同胞和新加坡人服务,我也为此感到骄傲。” 谈及即将来临的下届大选,符策涫强调,“我们并没有另一个五年消耗,因此为工人党投票,这是你的权益,亦是你的未来,我们可以为你做出改变”。 除了符策涫以外,日前前非选区议员严燕松也诚邀公众加入志愿者行列,为来临大选做准备。 欲成为工人党志愿者,可前往工人党官方网站进行登记。


陆路交通管理局表示,自11月5日电动滑板车禁令上路以来,已有3444次向骑士发出警告,当局还扣押了111辆涉及其他罪行的个人代步工具,如非法改装电动滑板车。 陆交局还表示,“违法的电动滑板车目前被控上法庭并被判刑”,还是用了标签“#我们是认真的”(#WeMeanBusiness)。 但明年起,违反禁令者将被处以最高2000元,以及监禁最高三个月,或两者兼施。 由于电动滑板车频传意外,自11月5日,电动滑板车禁止在人行道上行驶。目前电动滑板车仍可在自行车道上行驶。 陆交局表示他们将会在不同地点,如布莱德地铁站、油池、丹绒巴葛、荷兰村、榜鹅、惹兰勿刹和宏茂桥等地,每天从上午8时30分左右至9时30分,进行为其一小时的巡逻。    

读者不满领入息需28年 公积金局辩称确保“老有所养” 后八年支付“额外利息”

早前有读者Zol反映,自己的中央公积金退休存款入息被延长28年至93岁,致使他未来每月只能领取482元的入息。他质问,公积金局怎能随意决定会员该如何提取自己的存款? 于是,公积金局透过脸书回应这名会员,会员还是用20年领取退休户头储蓄,但是之后的八年,则是公积金支付的额外利息,帮助会员拉长支付期。 公积金认为,国人的寿命已经延长至90余岁,为此拉长支付期,乃是确保公积金会员可以获得足够的入息,确保“老有所养”。 公积金对于首三万元储蓄赋予两巴仙利率,下个三万元赋予一巴仙利率。对于这名会员的个案,则额外入息可以延长八年。 “他也可以加入公积金终身入息标准计划(CPF Life Standard Plan)来享有更高的终身入息。” 早前,Zol申诉每月482元显然不足以应付日益膨胀的生活开支,他参考新加坡平均寿命85.4年,向公积金局申请把派息期限缩减到20年和增加每月入息。 然而“爱民如子”的公积金局担心,Zol到了老年可能过早把退休储蓄用完,为此拒绝了Zol的申请。 在公积金给Zol的回函中解释,到了55岁若符合全额退休存款(FRS)(约17万6000元),加上4巴仙利息,到了符合入息年龄,20年内每月可提取910元。但是无法达到全额退休存款者,则会按比例获得入息,最低为每月250元,而Zol的情况下是28年每月入息482元。 由于和妻子膝下无子女,意味着Zol夫妇的存款没有继承/受益人,所以他延长提取入息期限到28年是不合逻辑的。…