
In a filing on Tuesday (5 May), AMTD, a Hong Kong-headquartered financial services company that debuted on the Singapore Exchange (SGX) in early April, stated that it has formed a long-term strategic partnership with SGX to boost the development of Singapore’s capital markets.
To address a growing need for better capital market access to the country and elsewhere, as well as strengthen connectivity between Singapore, the Middle East, the rest of China, ASEAN, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, AMTD will join hands with the bourse operator.
A multi-dimensional, cross-sector ecosystem called SpiderNet has been built by AMTD International parent, AMTD Group. The ecosystem will connect and promote partnership between its partners, such as industry associations, academic institutions, government bodies, clients, and shareholders.
Both organisations’ corporate clients and partners would be supported in their capital-raising efforts, from the private financing phase to connecting with international expansion and public markets, as stated by AMTD Group.
Utilising distributed ledger technology, both organisations will also jointly explore the issuance and servicing of fixed income securities in the country, alongside the wider utilisation of blockchain in trade finance, international payments and settlements, as well as capital markets.
Several initiatives for entrepreneurs, startups, and businesses have also been announced by AMTD Group in its filing. These initiatives will provide opportunities for efficient market access and fundraising.
To establish the AMTD Global FinTech Fellowship Programme in the country, AMTD Group has worked together with Singapore FinTech Association. This allows for local entrepreneurs to connect with the country’s capital markets while also bolstering their competitiveness in the long run.
AMTD Digital will utilise its expertise in data analytics to look into the vast existing data in SpiderNet and provide guidance to assist corporations in using relevant data. AMTD Digital is the group’s digital arm that is headquartered in Singapore.
With SGX as a supporting and knowledge partner, AMTD Group also announced plans to start an Abu Dhabi AMTD Investment Bank Academy, which will help connect Abu Dhabi with other global capital markets, including Singapore.
On Tuesday (5 May) at 9.20am, shares of dual-listed AMTD International were trading flat on the SGX.

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创作者促孩童不用再害怕 Momo已经被销毁了

令人闻风丧胆的“Momo挑战游戏”,教唆儿童做出危险行为,如自残、自虐甚至自杀,还会伤害他人,不仅西方国家,连东南亚都受到影响。Momo的创作者对于Momo称为孩子自残、甚至自杀的教唆者感到震惊,并表示Momo的原型人偶已经被他销毁,不会再伤害和诅咒他人了。 “Momo挑战游戏”的主角,Momo,拥有尖尖的脸孔、几乎从左耳开到右耳的尖嘴巴、稀疏的长头发,和凸出的眼睛。 Momo其创造者为日本艺术家相苏敬介。相苏敬介指出,创作Momo的灵感来自于日本妖怪“产女”。妖怪“产女”是日本传说中,因为难产致死的妇女所演变而成。 他披露,Momo是在2016年的银座区鬼怪展览中展出,当时的Momo身高约1公尺,由硅胶制作而成。他指出,当时制作Momo的确是为了吓人,但是绝没有想要伤人。 相苏敬介对法新社指出,Momo成为教唆主谋令他感到震惊,并表示原型人偶已经被他销毁了,已经不存在了,不会再对任何人有诅咒能力了。他安慰孩子们说,“不要在害怕,Momo已经不存在了,它死了,诅咒消失了”。 网民分享孩子接触Momo经过 “Momo挑战游戏”专门针对小孩,进行类似洗脑的指令遵从游戏,强迫小孩接受挑战并落实;甚至扬言,若失败了,“Momo会来找你”。有关的挑战游戏透过优管(YouTube)、WhatsApp、Snapchat等社交网媒传达指示,最近甚至骇入儿童喜欢的卡通节目中,几乎无孔不入。 日前,马来西亚一名华裔母亲在脸书分享了孩子接触到Momo的经过,呼吁家长们注意孩子的举动和思维。 马来西亚的华裔母亲透过脸书,上传有关孩子人士Momo经过的视频。孩子在视频中说到“Momo很恐怖”。网民在贴文中指出,她当时拿了Momo的照片给孩子看,问孩子是否认识,岂知孩子反应很大,跑到网民后抱着网民说,“这是Momo,很恐怖的”。 网民当时没料到孩子会如此反应,就问孩子如何认识到Momo。孩子当时坚持不说,网民唯有开导说Momo只是人扮演的人物,用来惊吓小朋友,更告诫孩子若看到Momo出现要通知附近的大人,让大人报警抓他。 在网民的劝导下,孩子才慢慢说出一些奇怪的话语,问母亲:“你有没有Momo的微信?”网民回答说没有,还问孩子要Momo的微信做什么。孩子说,Momo给了一个挑战,要拨电给Momo才算赢。“我就和他说不可以打给Momo的,他会教你们乱乱做一些傻事,然后他就问我怕不怕Momo?” 网民表示,经过她的一番全解,孩子才愿意录下有关的视频,警惕其他的小朋友,不要相信Momo。网民披露,虽然录制过程中,孩子还是很害怕,说Momo很恐怖的,Momo叫孩子们不可以告诉爸爸妈妈的。网民当时也问了孩子,Momo说中文还是英文,但是孩子始终没说,只是断断续续说一些Momo的事情。孩子最后还跟网民说:“不要再说Momo了,Momo会知道的”。网民呼吁家长真的要注意。…